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"Have y'all figured out a movie yet?" I ask entering the room which an oversized sports hoodie. " Yeah we are gonna watch the new Shazam." Jaylas says the remote in her hand. I nod. Everyone waiting for me I sit by Jaden on Jaylas couch as he panted a spot next to him. I sit down and cuddle up next to him as the movie starts. It was nice. Even if everyone was silent it was nice. Javon just couldn't shut up in the beginning of the movie. I had to tell him to shut up.

But this moment reminded of the times I used to hang out over here all the time. Like all the time snd when I used to sleepover for a week. But the sleepovers are gonna start back up cause so are the trips. Only one month left of school and I'm ready. My parents and the Walton's are already planning a trip.

The movie finished so everyone spilt apart the boys went to there room and the girls stayed in Jaylas.
And the rest of the night they just hung out , talked , went on Omegle and did nothing much. Me and Jaden texted most of the night though and snapped eachother. I missed him even though we were literally under the same roof. I missed our situationship.

A day later , Monday.

I wake up for school , feeling great. I had the best weekend that I ever had in a while. Had an amazing girls night and got to see to my on the low boo thing. That I already miss. I get up snd shower. Then do my skin care and skin prep for makeup that I end up doing straight after. Concealer , blush, bronze , black liner , brow gel , highlighter , mascara , lip oil , light powder, snd setting spray. Then I pick out an outfit for the day.

I pick out flar leggings with a cropped t shirt with my Air Force 1s

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I pick out flar leggings with a cropped t shirt with my Air Force 1s. Put on a necklace and a few rings and bracelets. And puts on a white headband. I stare at myself in a mirror real quick. "damn." I mumble. I head downstairs with my backpack. Exams start this week and I have not studied what so ever so I'm just counting on luck.

I pack my lunch and make myself some breakfast. I then roll out and start heading to school.

A/N: boring chap. Also I'm half asleep so sorry for any incorrect spellings or anything.

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