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They go out to eat and go back to the room and everyone in the parents room are asleep but in the teens room they are just chatting

Novas POV: I got a text by a random number??


Party at my place at 5pm tommrow address is ###### ###### ####

- excuse me who are you?


- CJs friend Kyle?

Yes invite your friends

"Guys my friends friend who apparently now lives in the area has a party tomorrow at 5pm wanna go?" I ask. " hell no" Javon says. " hell yes we're going" Jayla says. " what are we going to tell our parents" jaden says. " just be honest I'm sure they trust us" I say. " true" Jayla says. " whatever we can go ig" Javon says. " Yay anyways I'm bored" I say. " same" Jayla says. " I'm going to sleep "Jaden says. " Um no your not" I say. " yes I am" Jaden says. " no your not" I say. " okay you two anyways sneaker con is coming up in la , do you wanna come with to la?" Javon asks me. " yeah I'll ask my mom when the time comes" I say. Jadens already asleep. " Javon fart on him" I say. " nah that's Ruthless" he says. " do it" I say jaylas recording. And he does. I leave the room to the bathroom cause it smells like shit. " AH HELL NAH" jaden screams. Me and Jayla are laughing are ass off in this bathroom and Jaden tries to get in but we are behind the door . I can hear them running around . We open the door cause the smell is gone. " that was funny asf" Jayla says. " for real" I say. After that we actually end of going to sleep.

The next morning , 8:30 am . Today the plan is to go bowling and then go to the pool after. But the teens won't make it to the pool cause of the party.

Novas POV: it's 8:30 am everyone is asleep . I texted my mom and Jess about the party last night they said it was okay and no drinking. Cause it ain't no euphoria up in this bitch anyways the adults already order us breakfast from this bakery place. So when I got up it was on the front door. When I tell you these pancakes are bussin they r bussin. I wake everyone up by screaming in there ear except Jayla. My qween 🥺. I pushed her to wake her up. " BREAKFAST" I yell. I give everyone pancakes and orange juice and a muffin. We eat and watch sponge bob. After me and Jayla get ready for the day. The boys get dressed in the room. Me and Jayla get dressed in the bathroom.

What I wear with converse

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What I wear with converse. Jayla wears ripped shorts and a shirt . Jaden wears shorts and a green shirt with a bucket hat. And Javon wears a hat with shorts and a black shirt. Me and Jayla finish getting ready. Wear the usual makeup. And brush my hair. We walk out ready for bowling.

They get in the cars and drive to the bowling place. The pay in , get there shoes and grab the balls. ( that sounds weird..) they choose teams

Team 1.

Team 2

Novas POV: hah competing against Jaden . It's jaylas turn her score is 7.2 = 9. My moms turn 4.1 = 5. Ugh she can do better. My turn! 7.2 = 9. Same score as Jayla I slayed. Kiras turn . 6.1 = 7. Pretty good and lastly Jess turn. 8.0 = 8. Well done. Jayla got 9 , Dj got 7. Tess got 5, Ryan got 9. I got 9, Jaden got 9?! Kira got 7 , daelo got 0.. Jess got 8, Javon got 3.. we continue to play 4 rounds until 3pm. 1st round girls won obvi decking round boys won. Then we switched up the teams 3 round Peterson family won.
4 round Peterson family won. We stopped somewhere to get some food then we went back to our rooms. The others got ready for the pool , then we got ready for the party . The boys wear the same thing but me and Jayla change.

this is what nova wears ( if you don't like it you can change it)

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this is what nova wears ( if you don't like it you can change it)

this is what nova wears ( if you don't like it you can change it)

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this is what Jayla wears.

We  change fix up our makeup and get ready to go. We are gonna drive there in the rental cars. We all have our licenses. Jayla is gonna drive there I drive on the way back. I sit in the front with Jayla. It's 4;45pm and we're on our way. Probably gonna be some fans for the Walton's. We arrive and wasn't I right. Mostly fangirling over Jaden and Javon but there were some ppl that were fans of Jayla. We walk in and it goes crazy. People are looking at us. " hi I'm a fan and who's this girl?" A girl asks. Kyle yells to the crowd. " GUYS WE HAVE SOME GUESTS DO NOT BOTHER THEM OR YOU WILL BE KICKED OUT" Kyle says. Ugh he's so respectful. " sup guys" he says hugging us. " I'm Kyle kinda friends with nova so yeah have fun" he says before disappearing off into the crowed. Just if CJ were here 😞. Okay we did not drink at all of course. At first we kinda just chilled sang some songs , danced . We stayed together basically the whole time until some things got out of control. A lot of girls were hitting on Jaden . And some men were being weird with Jayla and me . But we ignored it. Untill it was time for spin the bottle. We all sit in a circle I was sitting in between Jaden and Javon and Jayla was beside Jaden. They grab a bottle and spin it . 1st one lands on this random guy and girl . We play a couple more rounds . 1st spin lands on Jaden . " ooouu let's see what girl you end up kissing" I said teasing jaden. " oh shut up" he says rolling his eyes. And of course it lands on me. Fuck my life. Jaden looks at me. Javon and Jayla have a smirk on there face. " we hate each other we ca-" I say getting cut off by someone grabbing me face and pulling me in. I pull away . Oh em gee. That did not just happen. " I've bet you've kissed plenty of girls tonight" I said rolling my eyes. " actually your the only one" he says smirking . gosh I'm supposed to hate him.

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