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We went out to eat and it was beach time, my favorite time. I guess that's what me and Ken have in common. 'Beach!'

Me, Alexis and Jayla held hands as we ran down the sand and splashed into the ocean. "Ew my mouth." I laughed as I spit out the salt water. As we walked in deeper I enjoyed the feeling of the sand in my toes. "Ooh it's cold." Alexis exclaimed. "Wait for me guys!" Daelo called out as he came running down with his hands in the air. "Slow down buddy." I called out with a nervous giggle considering the shore was steep.

The three hours flew by of the families being at the beach. The girls kept their distances from the boys. Considering the whole thing between Nova and Jaden, was ruining the trip and they both knew it. It needa to be talked about.

"Okay guess, I think it's time to head out, the suns about to start setting." Jessica said as she spoke to us from the shoreline. "Mom, can we stay for the sunset. You guys can go." Jayla asked as I glanced between Jessica and my mom. "No one what's to pick you guys up sweetie." My mom replied to Jayla. "It's only like ten minutes, we'll walk." I spoke. "It's gonna be dark by then." Dj chimed in. "It's fine I'll pick them up." My dad butted in as he carried Daelo on his back, retreating under the shade. "Thanks uncle Ryan!" Jayla called out. "Thanks Ryan!" Alexis added. "Your welcome girls!" He called back as the parents started to pack up their stuff. "You guys better stay here. I'll come pick ya'll up when the sun sets." My dad announced.

And with that it just left us teens. I was gonna use this opportunity to talk to Jaden. Cause I cannot take this anymore. I walked up the sand and under the parasols where Jaden and Javon lied down on the chairs. They've mostly tanned the whole time, but not for much longer since the suns not gonna be out. "Jaden can I speak to you?" I asked and cleared my throat. He took off his sunglasses as he had a unfazed expression on. "I'm private." I glanced over to Javon who stayed put. "Yeah." Jaden nodded as he glanced over to Javon. Javon waved off to me and ran into the water with the girls.

"So.. why are you still mad at me?" I asked. "I mean it's pretty obvious. What you did was unnecessary." Jaden spoke as he couldn't even look me in the eyes. "Unnecessary? She laid her hands on me." I said defensively instantly. "Yeah and Alexis fucking could've put someone in the hospital!" He shouted at me. I looked at him with pure disgust. "And as she fucking should. Here you go, going against me and defending Carla and them." I said shaking my hands. "Oh my gosh you're so dramatic. I'm not on nobody's side." He sighed.

"Your on nobody's side? Not your own girlfriends?" I furrowed my brows. He stayed silent as it looked like he almost regretted what he had said. "Well you know what. Let's just end this big fight. We're done." I spoke abruptly standing up and walking away. The only thing I could hear was "come back!", "I'm sorry Nova, don't be like this!" But I choose to ignore it. I was done putting up with his bullshit. He will always be the same.

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6 more chapters to go !

6 more chapters to go !

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