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I make it to the Walton's. I take a deep breath and walk up onto there porch. I knock. Luckily Jaden does answers the door. But he tries to shut it on me. "Jaden please." I say which makes him shut the door and step onto the porch.

"I find it funny that your now the one chasing after me." He says and he scoff's.

"Cause I came to a realization." I gulp.

"didn't you cheat on me."

BELIEVING WHATEVER CARLA SAYS, I came here to apologize. Yep apologize
for what I did years ago without knowing but instead you wanna bring up whatever Carla has to say."

"YES I BELIEVE CARLA. I mean how am I supposed to not. It makes sense with you and CJ magically becoming good friends again after he literally did the same thing im doing." He says.

"Do not bring CJ into this. Do you not realize how CONTROLLING CARLA IS." I say.

"She's not controlling. She actually makes me feel happy." Jaden says.

"Oh so I didn't?"

"I put up with your bullshit for years letting you walk all over me. And yeah you had a reason I guess but that does not make what you have said right. I've sat there at dinners putting up with you embarrassing me infront of my own family?! Ive went to your games! Your gosh damn games even when we were enemies. I've tried everything to get things back to how they used to be. And as soon as they start to be. It comes crashing down."

"Goodbye Nova" Jaden says opening his front door.

"I just poured my whole heart out and that's what you have to say?!"

I feel a cold breeze hit my face as the door is now shut. I walk back to my car and wipe the tears from my face. I decided I'm going to carlas. I need a real chat with her. I head over to her house and arrive. I knock. No answer. I knock again. "Gosh Kayla would you leave me al- nova?" She says.

" we need to talk"

" um no we don't" she says almost slamming the door.

" so you can just talk more shit behind my back and not saying it to my face." I say.

She turns to me.

" you've ruined any good thing I had going on. How does that make you feel?" I say.

"Good actually"

"I've had so many chances. To show the world the real you. But I never did. Cause i still wanted to believe that the Carla from 5 years ago was still there somewhere. But obviously not."

"People change nova. I know it sucks." She says pouting at me.

"But you changed for the worst. Everything is making sense now. Why you were so mad at me for spending time with Jaden. When really that's all you wanted to do. And then you told CJ lies about me and forced him to believe him. It doesn't even matter anymore. Cause karma will come bite you in the ass just wait"

"Your mad I stole your bf" she says.

"Yes I am mad actually. So much that I could actually kill you right now but for obvious reasons I will not."

"Sucks to suck later loser" she says.

"that's why I put footcream in your moisturizer bitch." I yell at her.

welp my life is forever ruined. Worst month of my life. When will this end.

I get back in my car. I hit a red light. And go through my camera roll I quickly delete all my photos of Jaden and Carla. I turn my phone off quickly as the light turned green. I drive off but then turn my head to a car coming towards the side of me.

A/N:  ngl I kinda cringed while writing this but idgaf 🤪 😜😜 I love leaving y'all on cliffhangers.


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