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*This story will take place during some events in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) and so on. The main character will name Astryd or you can imagine yours too.*

*third person's POV*
5 years ago.
Summer of 2009

"Astryd. Chase. Carter. Born February 16, 1991." The man spoke her name at a time. "So, you're like 18 now? " He turned to face her. "are you related to Miss Margaret Elizabeth Carter?" He questioned, reading the profile inside the folder.

The young one nodded her head, agreeing with what he just said.

"And are you aware that you have a sister here, working with us?" He asked again.

"Yes, sir. I am very aware of that." Astryd said straightly. Now, she is kind of confused about the fact that everyone around in that building knew who she was because she grew up with some of them. for the past years. She was open to getting in and out of this building. She stared at him confusingly. "Is this some kind of briefing, again?" Astryd emphasizes the last word. "Coz I'm buying it, Ben." She added.

"Why are you applying for a trainee agent, AGAIN?" He asked sarcastically.

The girl eyed him not to speak aloud. Well, they knew each other. Astryd just doesn't want anyone to know about what she will try to do.

"Ben," Astryd shrugged. "I wanted to be like Aunt Peggy, Mom and Dad, and of course my sister," she leaned closer to Ben. So that Ben can hear her whisper. "Just don't tell her? Please?" She begged.

"I thought Sharon wanted you to graduate college? You just graduated high school, right? She doesn't want you to be an Agent. You know what will happen if you pursue this. You and Sharon will get into another grumping session then what, Astryd? Do you want---"

"Okay, you sounded like a pastor." She cut what Ben would say because she had enough of it for the past years she was attempting to submit her profile.

"I'm so full of it, Ben. I just... I. I just...--" astryd phone rings. She signed Ben for a second. It was Sharon on the other line. Astryd widens her eyes.

She slides the answer button. "Hey, sis! What's up?" Astryd chuckled nervously.

"I thought you were at the summer camp?" Sharon at the other line question. She thought that her sister was in a summer workshop camp but she didn't expect what she heard from her coworker. Seriousness traces her sister's voice where Astryd face flushes white. Enough for Ben to notice it giving Astryd a sorry look.

"My colleague told me that she saw you outside the office," Sharon said on the other line.

Astryd thought 'i am dead'.

"Yeah, yeah. I am. Why are you asking?" She gets the courage to pretend. "Well, earlier I was there but eventually---"

"Astryd Chase Carter."

Astryd turned around to see her sister with a stern look. She can't lie to her sister.

Sharon grab Astryd's arm and pulled her toward the corner where they can talk privately but before that, Sharon took Astryd's folder from Ben's hand.

"Rule number one, astryd," Sharon said raising her eyebrow. "Do not lie to me. How many times did I tell you?" She handed the folder back to her little sister. With gritted teeth, Sharon speaks again. "Oh my god, astryd! You're not listening to me. We're getting in the loop here. Will you stop this? You know I will always disagree with this idea. I thought we've talked about this?" She said sternly. She's getting frustrated with her little sister.

Astryd just stood in front of her sister. Not talking anything, just there, hugging her profile folder and staring down at her shoes. She was thinking about why would her sister is not in favor of what she wanted to be. She can't find any reason for not being like her parents, her Aunt, and now her sister. She is inspired by them.

Agent 20: Astryd Carter (Descendant)Where stories live. Discover now