Tensions Rising

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*Astryd's POV*

Another day had passed, and the air inside the safehouse was thick with tension. Wanda and I had spent a great deal of time together, trying to navigate the complexities of our powers and the strain they put on our relationship. We had gone into town to gather supplies and arrange for the arrival of Dr Cho and Darcy, hoping that their expertise would shed light on the energy disturbances that seemed to plague us whenever we were together.

As I sat on the bed in our shared room, my body feeling drained and my head throbbing with a dull ache, I received a call from Clint. He informed me that our visitors had arrived and that dinner was being prepared by Laura. The mention of Dr Cho triggered a sarcastic remark from Wanda, and I could sense her growing frustration.

Wanda stood beside me, her hands gripping mine as she massaged them in an attempt to soothe my strained arms. She voiced her concerns about the energy disturbances, wondering if her presence was causing them. I shrugged, trying to downplay her worries and reassure her that our visitors would provide the answers we sought.

"I hope so. She could help you," Wanda said sarcastically, her words laced with a hint of jealousy.

I groaned, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me. "Wanda, not now. My head hurts, and I'm tired. We're colleagues, and Dr Cho is here with Darcy to assist us."

Wanda's face fell, hurt evident in her eyes. She withdrew from me, her arms dropping to her sides. I reached out to her, wanting to console her, but the dizziness that accompanied my headache made me lose my balance. I slumped back onto the bed, feeling my energy drain away.

Wanda turned and left the room, heading towards the kitchen to help with dinner preparations. I muttered her name, my voice weak, but she waved me off dismissively. I sank to the floor, resting my back against the bed, trying to regain some strength.

As I sat there, trying to steady myself, I made a decision. I couldn't let the tension between us fester any longer. Pushing through my fatigue, I teleported to the kitchen, surprising Wanda with a hug from behind. It provided momentary relief from my dizziness, but Wanda swiftly dodged my embrace, her expression cold and distant.

"Maybe you should go ahead," she said coldly. "I'm fine here."

I gasped, the pain and exhaustion making it hard for me to think clearly. "Ah, no," I managed to say, clicking my tongue in frustration.

Despite my weakened state, I mustered up a smile and reached for Wanda's as I hugged her behind her back. "I love you, Wanda," I whispered, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Even though she is much taller than me, I reached for her cheek. However, she pulled away, leaving me to sit alone in a nearby chair.

Resting my head in my hands, I watched Wanda continue with her tasks, feeling the world spin around me. Suddenly, I felt a warm trickle down my nose. I quickly wiped it away, only to see streaks of blood staining my hand. Panic surged within me, and I hurriedly made my way out of the kitchen.

Returning to our bedroom, I locked myself in the bathroom and splashed water on my face, staring at my reflection in the mirror. The blood continued to flow, an evident reminder of the disruptions that troubled me. I cleared my throat and opened the bathroom door, trying to appear unaffected.

Wanda knocked on the door of our bedroom, her voice filled with concern. "Astryd? Are you alright in there? Is something wrong?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Yeah, I'm fine, babe. Just taking care of something," I replied, my voice strained. I opened the door, revealing Wanda's worried face. I mustered a smile, reassuring her that everything was under control, as I pulled her into a tight embrace.

Agent 20: Astryd Carter (Descendant)Where stories live. Discover now