chapter eight: "BERRIES AND CREAM"

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I'm trying to figure out a way to work in an emotional chapter. I already wrote it but idk when the time is right, anywaysss this one's short so enjoy😉

"Doesn't matter, let's just finish the-"

he paused.

"What?" I asked

I look at Tasha only to see her look horrified.

What going on??

I found out we're their eyes were looking at.

my arm.

blood oozing out.



"why is everything spinning around-"

"Do you want berries?" Tony asked.


"Or cream" Nat asked in a soothing voice

What are they talking about-



Nats pov

"hehehheeh cream." Mari drools

"Okay shes hallucinating, hey J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

"yes sir?"

"Tell Bruce to get the lab ready"

"right away sir"

As tony unlocks her handcuffs, he reaches to carry her.

"nope" I say as I shove him off.

"But Nat-"

I tune him out and pick up my sister.

We're in the lab now and Bruce is running some tests on her while I push her hair out of her face, behind her ear, like I always use to do.

she then started to stir and slur up words in her sleep.

"please, please don't- I"

"Sh sh shhh, it's okay. Your sister is here. You're gonna be alright." I say to calm her down

Bruce clears his throat which snaps me out of my thoughts.

I bring my attention to him

"So the wound is infected as well as poisoned thus, hallucinations. It should be too hard to fix although, I still can't seem to figure out what she was poisoned with."

He must have seen the worried look on my face.

"For now, just get some rest Nat, she'll be better in the morning."

maybe a few minutes won't hurt...

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