Chapter ninteen: "Anthony this is vodka, not tequila."

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Sorry for not posting, I'm going to try to be more active now I made this chapter longer. ITS ALSO KINDA FUNNY SO ENJOY

"God, you scared me Natasha!" I said.

She grinned while hugging me and said, "Sorry."

"It's okay." "So, how was the mission?" I asked

"Which one? I've been gone for almost two weeks going from mission to mission."

"The recent one with the team. In Ohio, was it?"

"Oh yeah yeah, it was good. I did a new trick where I did a backhand spring and spin into a roundhouse kick." She said while trying to demonstrate with her hands. "It was more for show and I kinda threw out my back out but it was fun! Tiring, but I still looked amazing for running on 48 hours of no sleep."

"48 HOURS?? NATASHA GO TO BED." I yelled at her.

"Nah, I'll be fine. I took a quick power nap when I gave Clint the wheel so I'm good." she smiled intensely.

Okay, so my sister is insane, noted.

"So, where are all the others?" I asked

"I don't know, I'm not their keeper." She said while laying and making herself comfortable in my bed.

"Ooh wait, stay here, I'll be right back." I said running out the door.

"Uh, okay?" A very confused Natasha responded.

As I approach the elevator to head to the kitchen, I bump in to someone.

"Sorry-Oh hey, how was the mission?" I asked genuinely curious

"uh, it was fine." Bucky said sounding uninterested in talking to me.

However, I didn't pick up on that so I continued talking.

"Cool, cool, cool." I responded while tapping my feet on the floor waiting for the elevator to arrive.

There was an awkward silence so I broke it.

"Soooo, how'" I asked slowly

He sighs and says, "life?"

"yeah, how is it" I said internally cringing at myself.

God, why did I have to be so socially awkward.

"Life is fine." He said bluntly. "Y'know what, I'm just going to take the stairs." He says as he starts to walk away.

"Jeez, what crawled up his ass?" I muttered to myself.

Maybe something happened on the mission?

As I finally reach the kitchen floor, I was greeted by four of the Avengers.

There was the Notorious Tony Stark who is talking with a strawberry blonde lady I didn't recognize.

There was Steve Rogers, who was sitting on a couch in the common area reading over some files.

Next to Captain America was Sam Wilson, who was laying down, passed out from tiredness.

And finally, there was Clint Barton, who was arguing with Yelena for some reason.

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