chapter nine: "where the hell is my sister?"

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Sorry for the wait. If you don't remember what happened so for, I recommend going back a few chapters, (it's not that long) there is a VERY dramatic chapter coming up and I am so excited🤭

Nats pov

I woke up from the sun peaking through the blinds in the lab. Someone put a blanket on me.

I look at my watch.
9:00 am


I quickly turn to mari but only to face an empty bed. And thats when i start to panic. I quickly stood up and threw the blanket of me.

I rush outside the lab




"J.A.R.V.I.S. where is Bruce?"

"He's in the commons area with most of the others."

What the fuck are they doing?

I rush to the elevator and click the floor to the commons. I step in and wait. The elevator open and as soon as I step out I hear... laughter?

As I walk the halls coming closer to the noise I see them. All the guys on the team. Watching a football game. Having beers.

"Oh I bet i could run wayy faster than that." Pietro said.

"Oh hey Nat, just in time for the game." Tony says patting a spot next to him.

"What the hell guys, where's Mari!"

"Nat, calm down-" Sam says.

"No I'm not going to fucking calm down, where the hell is my sister!?"

"Relax Tasha, we just moved her to a spare room so she'd be more comfortable. She's still cuffed though and J.A.R.V.I.S. will alert me if she leaves the room.

"Don't call me that."

"My bad" tony held his hands up in defence.

"What floor?"

"15, last door to the right" Bruce said.

"By the way, I managed to stitch up her wound while you were sleeping." he said.

"Thanks" I said as I turned around not waiting for him to respond.

As I reach her door, I hear a familiar voice.
It's my sister

She's singing.

Dans mon esprit tout divague, je me perds dans tes yeux
(In my mind everything wanders, I get lost in your eyes)

Je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux
(I drown in the wave of your loving gaze)

Je ne veux que ton âme divaguant sur ma peau
(I just want your soul wandering on my skin)

Une fleur, une femme dans ton cœur Roméo
(A flower, a woman in your heart Romeo)

Je ne suis que ton nom, le souffle lancinant
(I'm just your name, haunting breath)

De nos corps dans le sombre animés lentement
(Of our slowly moving bodies in the dark)

Et la nuit je pleure des larmes qui coulent le long de mes joues
(And at night I cry tears running down my cheeks)

Je ne pense à toi que quand le jour sombre, que s'abattent sur moi
(I only think of you when the dark day falls on me)

Mis tristes-
(My sad-)

Mari's pov (don't forget)

the door opens and I stop.

"My favorite." She says.

I roll my eyes ignore her and continue to look out the window.

"Mari please look at me." She pleads

I still refuse to look

мне жаль
"im sorry"

"Why" i answered English.

"Because I fell asleep and-"

"No, why have you been acting like a сука (bitch) ever since I got here. It's like you could care less that you haven't seen me in so long."


"And that thing in the in-Interagation room. you told the bunny man."

"bunny man- what?

"-I don't trust these people, I don't even know these people. And now it feels like I don't even know you anymore."


"I have been dreaming for the day I get to see my sisters again, and this isn't how I expected it to go."


"-I thought I got you back Nat, but I guess I was wrong-"


ouch, the full government name.

"look, I didn't mean to act so coldly towards you. I was just frustrated."

"Why? Because you found me-"

"-No, because couldn't find you sooner!" I yell back

"After I found yelena, I realized, there could still be hope of finding my baby sister so I looked everywhere, for years. I knew you were still alive because your record was still on the database."

"So that's how you guys found me?"

"Well, not exactly. Fury had just told us that he got a lead on hydra carrying deadly injections in a van to a helicopter pad. I had no clue you'd be there."


"And now that you're finally here, I just wanna say that-"

"Ladies, Mr. Stark has requested the both of you to the commons area."

She quickly un cuffs my wrist and stands up.

"Let's go." She sighs.

She offers her hand and I take it.

I'll post chapter ten tommorow, I'm going to bed bc it's 1 am lol

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