chapter thirteen: "Oh im sorry did that hurt"

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Sorry for the wait babes

Mari's pov
I've been here for almost a week now and honestly. The people here aren't THAT bad.

Well I mean, they're all annoying in their own individually ways but, they're alright I guess. The one person I've really clicked with is Wanda. I don't know what it is about her but she just really seems to understand me, and I feel like I understand her.


I am currently half asleep on my bed right now when i hear a creak on my floorboard.

I felt someone trying to come closer to me.

I immediately reach to the side of my bed and grab my gun. I place me feet on the floor.

i point to my gun the person

Only to see her pointing one back at me.

I slowly move around studying her appearance and I could tell she is doing the same.

Without thinking. I kick the gun out of her hand.

She then grabs my gun and throws it out the window.

She immediately starts to attack as I am on defence.

I keep dodging her punches with quick reflexes but she manages to knee me in the stomach which makes my stumble backwards a bit and hold my stomach.

She uses this opportunity to kick me in my shin and elbow my back making me groan in pain.

Right as she's about to go for my stomach again, i jump and wrap my legs around her neck and start to turn bringing her down to the ground

Not to brag, but I think I've pretty much mastered the famous black widow move.

I then grab her wrist and pull it all the way back leaving one leg on top of her. Putting her in an arm bar.

She breaks free and gets on top straddling me. She grabs one of the books that Tony gave be and hits me in the face with it.

I could feel the blood from my nose start to drip.

"Ow" I said.

"сука"(bitch) I said pushing her off and getting on top of her and punching her in the face just as hard.

She pushes me off an. I grab a vase and smash it on her head. And she grabs my lamp and throws it at me. It is just us going at eachother over and over again like children clearly no one winning.

"Heyy Mari, I made pizza bagels and-"

"Fuck off Sam" we both said in unison.

He then looks at the scene and puts down the tray and slowly retreats.

Right as I turn my attention back to her, she gives me a good kick to the ribs and I just stomp on her foot running out of ideas.

"ой"(uhm OW) she said holding her foot.

"о, простите, это было больно?"
(Oh im sorry did that hurt?)I said sarcastically.

She sighs and sits down on the floor leaning on my bed.

I do the same. And we both catch up with our breathing.

"You know you've gotten stronger." She says in English.

"I've been told." I said.

She smiles a little

"Where have you been?"

"I was in Italy handling some unfinished business." She pauses. "But no one told be that my baby sister was back." She teases in a baby voice pinching my checks.

"Yelena, knock it off!" I said embarrassed

She laughs.

There was a long pause

"I've- well you know- like" she said.

I hugged her.

I know she never really liked hugs and I wasn't much of a hugger either.

But I couldn't help it, I was just so happy.

She missed me.

I missed her too.

I'll post the next chapter tomorrow because it's like 3 am and I just came back from a party and I am TIRED btw Mari and yelena ate sams pizza bagels🥰

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