chapter twenty one: "Here, let me help"

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Omg, two chapters in one day, who am I???

Loverboy- A-Wall

Mari's pov
"Mind you, Nathan is a very powerful man and has a huge alliance of people helping him. If he and his army choose not to cooperate, this will be a kill on sight mission." Steve adds.

We are currently in the quintet and we are right above the drop off point.

"Oh and Bruce has some ID cards in case they're security. Just to avoid any suspicion." Tony added

"I-I made them before we left with some ink I shipped all the way from wakandada-wakna-wa-." He struggled to pronounce.

"Wakanda." I corrected him.

"Right. These are the most realistic ones I have ever made." He said as he passed each of them out to their respective owners. "You see, the magnitude of the processor generated a more reflective composite component in order for the ID to pass as a-"

"I'm going to stop you right there Bruce, because all I'm hearing is blah blah blah blahhhh. No one knows what you're saying nor does anyone care" Yelena said in the nicest way she could while patting his back and snatching her card from his hand.

Within 5 minutes, everyone had already flew down or used the parachutes.

Not going to lie, but I'm kind of nervous. This whole, "hero" thing is far out of my comfort zone. The last time I was in a jet like this, it was to complete a money heist. From a young age, I've always had a pretty good sense of right and wrong, so it's also kinda nice to be on the opposite side of things. I just hope I don't fuck it up.

"Are you ready?"A deep voice ask me, pull me away from my deep thoughts.

"What? Oh, yeah yeah." I say to the soldier. I finally standing up and grabbing a parachute.

"There's only one parachute left, so you can just have that one." He said not knowing that I had just hid the other one when he wasn't looking like any sane person would do.

Whaaat? Can you blame me? I just wanted to see this whole "super soldier" thing in action and watch him plumet 2,000 feet. I mean, who wouldn't?

"yeah, whatever" I role my eyes

I grab the parachute, attach it to my shoulders, and start setting it up, attaching and buckling the millions of things that needed to be secured. As I am nearing my last security strap, I feel a particular pair of eyes staring at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked turning around to stare back at the metal armed man.

"Just making sure you go down safely before I do." He muttered while looking away, almost as if he was embarrassed.

"I'll be fine, thank you." I snarked annoyed at him for thinking I couldn't do something as simple as jumping out of a plane, something I've been doing since I was 7.

As I attempt to attach the last hooks, I realized I couldn't reach it.

These fancy Stark parachutes are different than the ones I'm used to. Great, now I look dumb.

After a few more seconds of grunting while I struggle to hook the last, most important straps together, a voice I've been dreading fills the room.

"Here, let me help."

"I got it!" I snark back quickly, backing away from him and continued to reach towards the hooks.

"You clearly don't, just let me help." He says more seriously taking another step forward.

"I don't need your help Barnes." I repeated backing away more. "I am more than capable of putting on a stupid fucking parachu-AHHHH." I screamed as I started falling out of the open door.
As I started to fall, I just close my eyes and let it happen. I was kinda bummed that this was going to be the way I die. Falling out of a plane and slipping out of an undone parachute.

Just as my feet leave the plane, I feel a firm hand grasp mine.

I open my eyes to see none other than Barnes pulling me back towards the jet.

"Just hang on. I got you." He said as he finally pulls me back in completely.

As my feet plant on the floor once again, all I could do was stare at him. I was staring at him for God knows how long. I didn't even know how heaving I was breathing until I hear his voice again.

"You're okay, just breathe."

Only that just made me stop breathing. I was lost for words. He just saved my life. If he didn't act quick, I would have fallen, slipped out of my parachute and splat right on the Indiana ground.

"You okay?" He asked me which snapped my back to reality.

"Uh, uh" I stuttered.

Only then did I notice he was still holding  onto my hand. So I quickly statched it away and wiped my sweaty palm on my thigh.

I still didn't know what to say so he used this opportunity to hook the last buckle on my parachute. Without any back talk from me.

"Okay, you're good to go." He said with a genuine smile.

"Barnes, Ivanova, will you hurry it up back there, we've got company." Steve says through our inter comms, which made me snap back to normal. I take a step back to bring back the gap that once separated us.

"On our way." James responds. Oh look, he points to the extra parachute I hid under the chair a while ago. "We can jump together if you'll wait for me so I can put it on-" he starts to say before I snatch the parachute and throw it out the plane.

"What the hell was that for!" He asked.

"Uhhhhhh" is all I could say before running out the door and jumping out the jet, leaving a very confused and frustrated Barnes.

"Ughhh. Stupid, Stupid" I hit my forehead as I pull the parachute string and slowly glide down.

I then see a quick blur of Barnes fall past me, followed by a "AHHHHHHHHH" and a loud thump.

"Okay, that was totally worth it" I chuckled.


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