47- Letters

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"If we work really fast, we can have these done in half an hour," Mia says as we're getting out all of the materials that we need to fold up the rest of the stars to fill up the last vase on Sunday, the day after Penn had visited.

"Finally," Renée sighs, quickly getting to work in hopes of actually finishing these paper stars within that half an hour time frame so that we can finally be done with these things. "I can't wait to be done with these little devils."

"Does anybody know what's going to happen after we're done with this? I mean, we still have a few weeks before the party so I imagine that Quinn will find something to have us do," Katie wonders, getting to work on the stars with the Mia, Renée, and I.

"Probably some last minute stuff," Mia suggests with a shrug. "Like helping out people that are behind or something."

"She won't give us a new project or anything," Renée adds. "That'd be completely idiotic and Quinn's smart enough to know that we wouldn't be able to complete another project in just three more meetings."

"Good," Katie sighed. "I cannot wait for this thing to be over. I mean, it was fun and all but it's just a bit too much work for me."

"I think I'm glad that Desiree had somehow caused a chain reaction of making all of us join this thing," Mia says. "It was a lot more fun than I thought that it would be."

"Are we going to stick with it after the dance?" I ask them curiously. "I mean, the party committee doesn't quit after Halloween, does it?"

"I don't know, I didn't really think about it," Renée shrugs. "But yeah, they cover all of the big holidays but they're not as big as the Halloween dance. I heard that for Thanksgiving, they just do a nice big dinner and for Christmas, there's a tree and we each get a present. I don't know, that's just what I heard."

"Hopefully, we won't be here for Christmas," Mia adds.

"Well, I will be," Renée reminds her. "My soonest release is at the beginning of the year. So yeah, I think I'll stick with it. It'll give me something to do after you guys go home."

"That's a good idea," I agree with Renée, tossing a yellow star into the plastic vase. "I think it gives us all something to do. It's not like our Sundays are just completely booked all of the time."

"That's an excellent point," Mia nods. "We should stay with it."

"How noble of you guys," Katie smirks at us all. "I'll be out of here a few weeks after Halloween so I'm just going to quit this party committee thing right after the dance so that I don't get stuck on a project that I won't be able to finish. That'd just bug me."

"Wow, that's coming up pretty soon," I say, surprised that she hadn't mentioned that before. Although, I guess it isn't that surprising considering she doesn't really open up that much. "Congratulations."

"Thanks," She smiles. "Although I kind of don't know what I'm going to do when I get out of here. My mom wants me to go to college or something but I don't know. I guess I'll just see how it goes when I get out of here."

"What would you study?" Renée wonders curiously.

"I have no idea," Katie shrugs. "Maybe vet stuff, like animals and everything. They're much better than humans, that's for sure. I'm not sure if I'd get into vet school though, with my record of mental facilities. I'm not sure if they see that stuff or not but I could understand why they'd reject somebody with a record like mine."

"I'm sure they'd let you in. As long as you're clean all the way through your undergrad, all of the vet schools will be begging you to go to their school," Mia says with an enthusiastic grin.

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