25- Plans

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“Quinn is on the hunt today,” Mia whispers to me as we’re sitting on the couch watching a movie from the great movie collection with Desiree on the other side of her.

“What do you mean?” I ask her quizzically but I barely take my eyes off of the movie because it’s a really good movie.

She motions behind us to where I see the black-haired girl with that perky pearly white grin of hers as she’s talking to a group of guys on the other side of the room. “One of her party patrol people got released a few days ago so she’s on the prowl, looking for more people to join her.”

“Who’s Quinn?” Desiree wonders, turning to look at the overly perky girl as well.

“She’s a disaster,” Mia sighs. “I mean, that’s really mean to say. She’s not that bad. She’s just insanely chirpy but then, when you get to know her, she’s incredibly bossy. Like, a militant dictator. It’s terrifying. If she comes over here, avoid eye contact and let me do all of the talking.”

“She looks nice,” Desiree comments.

“Yeah, she is nice and she means well but if you give her power over you, it’s like you’re selling your soul to her,” Mia warns her and then that’s the end of the conversation and we all turn back around to finish watching the movie.

Only about ten minutes after that though, Quinn herself shows up right beside the couch and greets us with a “Hi!”

“Hey, Quinn,” Mia smiles at the girl.

“I don’t think that I’ve introduced myself yet,” She chirps, grinning at Desiree, just like she did to me when she introduced herself to me on in the first week that I was here. “I’m Quinn.”

“Hi,” Desiree says, offering Quinn a polite smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Have you heard about the October dance? It’s to celebrate Halloween,” Quinn explains to the new girl. “And we’re looking for people to join the committee to help plan it so it can be the best ever.”

“That sounds like fun,” Desiree says and she’s looking in the opposite direction of Mia so she can’t see the incredulous look that she’s receiving right now from her friend but I can see it and it makes me laugh a little bit but I subtly cover it up with a cough so that I don’t seem rude. “When do you guys meet up?”

“Every Sunday at two, right after lunch,” Quinn says before looking behind Desiree to both me and Mia. “You two are welcome to join as well. Everybody is welcome.”

“I’ll do it if Des does it,” Mia sighs, saying it slow and under her breath as if she hates the words that are coming out of her mouth.

“Really?” I wonder with raised eyebrows. “I didn’t think that you were the partying type.”

“I can’t let her go in alone,” She whispers to me before turning back to Quinn. “So sign me up too.”

“That’s so awesome,” Quinn smiles at us. “What about you, Ana?”

“Yeah, Ana will do it too,” Mia says quickly before I have time to politely turn her down.

“What? No, I-“ I was about to give her some really awesome excuse (I’m not sure what it was, but it was really awesome) but before I can even say four words, Mia is already interrupting me.

“She’s been dying to sign up ever since she got here so I’m sure it’ll be a blast for us all,” She chirps, sending me a look that seems both pleading and threatening as if she’s saying ‘Please do this with me with a cherry on top or else I’ll break your lips and eat your ice cream’.

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