26- Party Planning

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*Early update because I'll be busy tomorrow*

“I can’t believe you got me into this,” I tell Mia as we’re walking down the hallway towards the meeting room where Quinn had told us to be for this Sunday party planning meeting or whatever.

“Be more optimistic about it,” She laughs, nudging my shoulder lightly. “It could be fun.”

“I think it’ll be a blast,” Desiree adds. “And, I mean you guys are really nice but I still want to meet new people. I’ll probably be here for a while so it won’t hurt to get to know all of the people that I’m going to be living with for a long time.”

“See? And we’re here to support her and who knows? You might make more friends too,” Mia pipes.

“Sure,” I chuckle. “But aren’t you the one who was so hasty when it comes to Quinn? Why are you so eager to join up with her now?”

“Oh, I’m not eager, I’m just trying to look at the bright side,” She says. “I still think that Quinn is bat shit.”

“Mia, you do know where you are, right? We’re all bat shit,” I remind her sarcastically.

That ends our conversation because we get to the meeting room and go through the door where there’s about seven other people sitting in the honesty circle chairs only they’re not placed in a circle, they’re placed all facing one direction, like a classroom.

“You guys made it just in time,” Quinn chirps from the front of the room, standing where a teacher would in front of her class, when she sees us walk into the room. “Go ahead and take a seat wherever you’d like. We’re just about to start talking about the layout for the Halloween party.”

I follow Mia and Desiree to one of the front rows of seats and sit down, awkwardly waving at all of the people who just turned to look at us. I end up sitting next to a girl that I’ve seen around but I don’t actually know her name.

“Okay, well now that everybody is here, let’s go over it again. The theme of the night is going to be Undead Hollywood. Everybody should try to dress up like their favorite and deceased celebrities,” Quinn says before turning to the white board behind her where there’s a layout of the common area but without any of the small tables and chairs. “So we can have a big Hollywood sign painted and then put on this wall here. We can have a few director’s chairs put around too.”

“And stars hanging from the ceiling,” Somebody else adds.

“With glitter. Glittery stars,” Another person says.

“Good!” Quinn cheers, drawing squares on the white board in red marker for the director’s chairs and then little stars around randomly on the board.

“Ooh, what about a red carpet?” Desiree wonders.

“Yes, of course. How did I even forget that?” Quinn draws a long rectangle coming from the wide main entrance to the common area.

An idea pops into my head but I don’t want to speak up because in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not much of a group speaker, but I think that Dr. Lombardi would be even more taken by surprise when I tell her that not only did I join this group but I even participated. When I’d told her on Wednesday that I joined this group, she was pretty surprised so I guess I’m improving in her eyes, which is good. Then again, I really do hate talking in front of people.

Finally, I decide that I might as well do it. I should try my best to make the best out of what Mia has volunteered me for, so I raise my hand and then I speak up. “This might sound lame, but what about having a craft thing where people can make their own Hollywood Star of Fame? Like, have little mini stars and then those gold icons can be stickers so people can choose what they’re hypothetically famous for, and they can write their names on it with a Sharpie or something? I know that’s not really decorations but just an idea.”

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