1; GEM

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Yes, I'm Suhaib. Suhaibullah according to my Father, and Bobo according to my Mother.

Yes bobo. You read it right.

I have sulked and sulked whenever she calls me that since from my childhood and even teenage days but she never stops. She even went ahead correcting people that it's not 'Bobo' the milk whatever kids' drink they know. She tells them it's 'Boubou'. That they need to drag the 'o' a little bit.

Her words.

So I just gave up and everybody called me Bobo. Hey not everybody. Like everybody at home.

So I'm the second child to my parents that are from Kano but based in Abuja. Alhaji Jabir Rijiyar lemu and
Hajiya Siddiqah Jabir Rijiyar lemu.

My Father is a Good and professional Cardiologist with absolutely a well known Hospital known for not only cardiology but every aspect of medicine. My Mother is a Neurologist while I'm a General Doctor.

Family of Doctors

But that's not all.

My Elder Brother Maleek Jabir is a Neurologist just as my mother, while my immediate younger sister, Saffiya Jabir is a Gyanecologist. Then the last born of our house Maleeka, just started studying medicine in Egypt. She's our future Pediatrician.

So presently, I just arrived at China to represent our Hospital or rather country in the world General Doctors Meeting. Not that the meeting is for General Doctors! No.
We register into the Union of Doctors in Nigeria and after every six months, Each country in the 87 countries in the 'Grand Union of Doctors' must send a hospital among the registered Hospitals to be a representative. And fortunately, Nigeria chose our Hospital to go this time Around while
My Father surprisingly chose me.
I was literally surprised when the News got me. Like basically I'm representing my Country!

Maleek was supposed to go since he's the Eldest son  but that man just got a New girlfriend and is over the Moon. Even though my Father doesn't know why he was happy, he knew better not to send him there because if Maleek is happy, then he doesn't usually thinks straight. Not like think straight. But he doesn't concentrate on Anything till after some time.

So my Father decided I should Go. Even though Maleek once represented us so it's better this time around I go. To get experience inji Baba

I'm from Kano state so just know that I talk alot. You just have to bear with me. It's in our DNA.


After our meeting, I decided to just chill out there before I leave. Even though unfortunately I came to the most busiest part of this state. But I realised that almost half of the people there were Africans or Rather blacks. I was happy though because everybody is minding his business. They were no poke nosers unlike my Country

But then I saw something. Something worth more than Bill gate riches or Elagante Crystal's Diamonds.

A Gem. A true Gem. The real definition of Beauty. No. Not just that  Normal beauty you see. Hers was absolutely perfect.


She was on a weelchair



Albeit being in that pain, They still have the audacity to add it more on me. Okay so rightfully, I know I did not come to the world to fight with my parents. But believe me it's very hard. Very hard to just let it slide. My dearest Mother decided to cut my train of thoughts.

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