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"Breath in and out okay. You Just finished telling me, They are not eating me." Ya leemarh said wrapping her veil hijab style.

Our so called suitors are waiting for us at the Gate.

"That was because I didn't know I was involved." I replied shifting my Gaze away.

She sighed before she picked the veil clip on the vanity table. She walked to where I was sitting on the bed, and She carefully adjusted my viel before she clipped it with the clip she took from the vanity table.

"listen Asmau," She said with a soft voice. 
"I know that idiot took that spot of your heart and played with it. But Trust me, you can't just let that get to you. People come to your life and leave because they are done with the role they would play in your life. But the pain is not Worth it. You Just need to push out the pain and move on. And besides, that fool didn't even sit in your life. He sat on the bench with one bum and he now fell on the floor."

I Just had to laugh at her statement. Believe me if I tell you she hates that Man like hell. That's my sissy.

"I threw him into dustbin a long time ago." I said.

"Good. Show me that and throw him into gutter." She stretched her fist for me and we bumped

"Let's go meet our loves!"

That's definitely her not me!!


Ya leemarh stopped my wheelchair as we stood in front of the two brothers.
I noticed the way The older one stared at me before he took his gaze back to ya leemarh. He stared at her in awe and couldn't take his eyes off her. I also watched their staring contest as I awwed in my mind. They are the perfect match.

I heard someone clear his throat and I quickly took my attention from them and landed it on him. My um...um... Suitor.

"They are so cute to watch right?" He asked as we yawed our gazes to the two couples that are now chatting and laughing together.

"They sure are." I replied with a small smile. I'm trying to do this because of ya leemarh. Only because of her and somehow myself.

I would give him a chance.

"Hmm, why don't we make a cute couple also." He asked while I quickly yawed my Gaze back to him. He smiled and wiggled his eye brows.

"We are sitting over there!" Ya leemarh and her husband yelled as they walked to the patio. Look at this woman oo. She has totally forgotten about me after seeing her lover.

"Where should we sit?" He asked while I shrugged.

"Or let's walk down the street?" I asked because I honestly don't feel like staying in one place. Perhaps if you have noticed then I like yawo.

"Great idea." He replied before he round off to my back making me turn my head around.

"Shall we?" He asked grabbing my Wheelchair.

I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head sideways. Giving me a smile that screams, 'I must help you.'  I sighed before he pushed my Wheelchair


"But how would think telling her  would make you enter Jannah." I laughed as I remembered the story he told me. That when they were kids, He broke his mother's flower vase. She kept asking who broke the flower vase but everybody kept quiet. So their mother now Said whoever broke this flower vase would surely enter Jannah because she really wanted breaking it but someone helped her. And he suddenly became proud that he helped his mother broke the vase and he shouted it's me Mummy! Trust me, he received the beating of his life.

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