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As promised, the next morning we took a Long shower and dressed up in Elegant kaftans to go to Asmau's house. As my parents usually tell me, if you like a girl, never approach her first or try to court her unless if you have asked the permission of her Father. So we decided to meet Her Father. I pulled off in front of the house and that was exactly when Umar was done putting on his cufflinks. Infact even his Kaftan mah it was in the car that he wore it because I couldn't wait for him. He was waisting too much of my time.

We pressed the door bell like twice before I inhaled deeply. And almost immediately, A lady opened the door. She was exactly the Older version of Asmau.

"Assalamu alaikum." I Said while the Lady replied me

"Waalikumu Salam."

I know she's Asma's sister so I told her that we came to see their Father. She nodded and told us okay he's coming.
As soon as her figure disappeared, Umar leaned gossip

"Man is she Asmau?" He asked while I shook my head sideways.

"H er sister probably." I said as I shrugged.

"Wow! This one too is beautiful."

I laughed at him, "You see. And Asmau is even finer than her."

"I doubt." He mumbled and just then, and Elderly Man came out.

"Assalamu Alaikum." He said as he stretched his hand for handshake.

I was the first to reply and I slipped my hand into his as I replied him. Then he stretched his hand for Umar.

"Actually we came to talk to you about your Daughter, Asmau." I said as I watch his eyes increase in size before he then nodded and  he lead us inside the house


"Ina kwana." We greeted a Woman that sat on the coach in the beautiful Cool sitting room

"Lafiya kalau sannunku." We all answered. The woman looks so much like Asmau and we all concluded that She's their Mother. She smiled at us and I saw her dimples dig in.


How I wish it was Asmau that has those  dimples. I heard Asmau's Father say something to her in a language that sounded like Kanuri. The only thing I heard was Asmau's name. She also had the expression as her husband after the news reached her.  She then nodded muttering something  too.

He lead us to a sliding door and we stepped our foot in another Elegant yet big Sitting room.


"Ina yinin ku?" A small voice yet almost same as Asmau's greeted us. It was again the younger version of Asmau.

I really loved the way they all look alike unlike in my Family.
In family everybody has his own look and Nobody resembles the other.
Maleek is dark skinned, tall and a bit chubby, with curly hair and long eye lashes. While I'm Fair, with long eye lashes and curly hair, abit tall but slender. Saffiya is Fair with pencil nose and Bulgy eyes, long eye lashes but very very short😂😂 while Maleeka is the beautiful one among us though we kind of look alike with her. But..... a little bit.

Tall but slim, pencil nose also, cute pink lips, with a dimple on her left cheek but unlike all of us, she has a full Strong hair and short eye lashes.

We sat down on the huge Carpet but As Nice as the Man is, he told us to sit on the sofa.

"So, You Said you came to talk to me about Asmau."

"Yes Baba. My cousin here is Suhaib Jabir Rijiyar lemu while I'm Umar Abdul Hakim Rijiyar lemu." Umar did the talking and yes, he's my Cousin. His Father is my uncle ( My Father's brother).
"Actually, he saw your daughter Asmau and apparently he likes her so much so we decided to talk to you about her."

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