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A Lady smiled to herself as she mixed the batter with the spatula. She hissed slightly as her scarf kept obstructing her view. She moved to the gas cooker and turned on the heat. She carefully kept the frying pan on the gas and scooped her pancake batter. She poured it into the dry frying pan and adjusted the heat a little.  She waited a Little bit before she used the flat utensil and flipped the pancake. It was just as she wanted it. Golden Pancake.

"Good Job, Nasrin." She said to herself


In an Elegant Cream and Turquoise blue Room, A Lady sat in front of the vanity table painting her face with so much makeup. Her heavy eye lids blinked with so much effort due to the eye lashes she fixed. She sprayed lot of perfumes as she posed again and Again in front of the mirror. She stood up and moved to the full length mirror in her Room and scrutinized her self with her eyes. She was wearing a Sky blue Kimono with a White fitted gown as the inner, wrapped around her bosom just below the hills of her chest is a belt the same as her Kimono. She slipped her legs into the six inches hills and wrapped her viel on her head just the Turban style. She took her designer hand bag and walked elegantly down the stairs.

Oh Right, she didn't forget to take hot selfies with her White coloured iPhone 13


Her hills clocked the Marbled floor as she walked towards the kitchen. Just then, The scent of Newly made Pancakes hit her nostrils. She saw her sister perfectly garnishing her pancakes as she was so much in love with her handiwork.

Her sister rose her head from her Pancakes and grinned at her, "Morning Neemah!"She smiled while Naiima Only faked a grin and it also, disappeared as fast as it came.

Nasrin felt bad but knowing her sister, she Only shrugged it off and settled on the counter to eat breakfast.  Naima made herself a cup of Tea and also walked to the counter where her sister sat.

"Oh, Naima you want some?" Nasrin asked as realisation dawned on her. She jumped off the counter and went to the Rack. She took a plate but when she turned around, she saw Naima eating her Pancakes.

She puffed out some air, "Neemah, take. Put some for yourself it's over there." Nasrin said as she drew back her plate. She gave Naima the empty plate she came with.

"Wtf is going on in that small head of yours, Nasrin. Can't you see I'm eating!" She hollered munching remnants of her Pancakes.

"I don't understand you're eating, Neemah. It's my food and I told you to serve yourself there."

"Don't you know I'm Older than you are? What sort of nonsense is this?"

Nasrin knew her sister was just in for trouble and she's quite not in the mood so she faked a smile. "Yes Yes, you are the big sis so please do yourself the honour and serve yourself." She picked her plate and tried walking out of the kitchen but Naima stood up and threw her hands in air in the name of yawning.

The next thing, Nasrin's plate slipped off her hand as her Pancakes flew in air.

She angrily moved her gaze From the shattered plate on the floor to Naima that stood with a smirk.

"What is wrong with you, Neemah?!" Nasrin hollered.

"What is happening here?" Their mother asked as she walked into the kitchen holding the flask she took to her husband. They both weren't ready to answer her question so she moved her gaze to the pancake on the floor.
Nasrin quickly beat her mother from saying what she wanted to say as she took the flask from her.

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