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The chapter is written in Third person point of view

"Enjoy." The bleached waitress Said as she kept Their orders.

Neemah sipped her coffee and bit her chocolate cake. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the sweet taste on her taste buds. Suhaib Only glared at her waiting for her reaction to what he Just finished telling her.

She pushed the cake down her throat with the help of her cappuccino. "So...I don't know.... I don't think it's something to worry about."

Suhaib dragged a long hiss and couldn't even say anything to her.

"I mean... I'll Just tell them it's a lie and I don't want to marry you. Then everything would be fine." Just when Naima said that, Suhaib mashed his lips making his two dimples dig in. Naima stared as he rubbed his temples and licked his lower lip out of frustration.

A Thought then crossed her mind.

She deeply stared at him and stared at his Tuxedo suit. She also looked at his Rolex Wristwatch and Everything about him spelled classy. All this while she wanted someone classy that wouldn't deprive her of Anything she wants. And then Suhaib is perfect, She also wants her children to bear The RL Title and if she Marries an outsider  that won't be possible. So why not use this opportunity? Suhaib Cannot stop her from whatever she wants and if he dare tries to do that, She would tell his Father or Her Father. And First of all, Suhaib is hot. So hot.

Hahaha! This is just perfect!!!

Suhaib sighed, "Neemah, that won't be possible. Someone told him we are in Love. I doubt if they would agree."

Neemah chuckled and took another bite of her cake," So... Just Marry me. RL and RL how did you see it." She smirked and winked at Suhaib.

Suhaib was finally tired of everything she's doing!

"Enough of it Naima!" Suhaib shouted hitting the table as he stood up. Naima shifted her gaze to his coffee that spilled. Those pokenosers had already noticed the tension in air and those that are jealous of Naima had already pulled thier phones out and started recording.
"I have the girl I love. A very decent calm Lady unlike you." He sneered as he glared at her. Naima shifted her gaze to the video tapers and she huffed.

Naima shifted her gaze back to Suhaib before she gulped.

"Suhaib don't embarrass me here." She said as her eyes glued to her half eaten slice cake.

"I don't understand Embarrassment. Is there embarrassment more than what you are trying to do? Is there any Embarrassment more then them hooking me up with you? I have the lady I Love. A Lady with manners and knows what she's supposed to do unlike you! Look for someone to Love but not Suhaib!"

"Suhaib what sort of nonsense is this?" Umar walked fast to thier table. He went to the kitchen to check if everything is alright but he heard commotion. "What happened?" He asked not liking the fact that Suhaib is disgracing his sister.

Suhaib Only sighed and picked his phone from the Table, "I guess this meeting is over." He walked silently out of the Cafe regretting his outburst.

He wasn't supposed to do that.

Naima only huffed as hot tears rolled down her she watched as the video tapers mummuring among themselves.

He won't get away with this.


"Next patient on the line please." Suhaib said through the intercom in his office.

A lady in her late Teenage Age walked into the office. Suhaib rose his head from the laptop in front of him and a smile immidiately took his features. "Fanan," He called while she smiled and sat down. "Are you sick?"

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