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"It's freezing. Wear your coat, Asmau."I heard ya leemarh's voice bringing me back to the Earth. I wet my chapped lips with the tip of my tongue. All of them kept giving me a look that expresses pity and I totally hate it. I don't like people giving me that look. "Let's go and leave this Airport." They chuckled while Ameerah Grabbed my Chair and together with ya leemarh and Captain Captain, we walked out of the arrival lounge. After I saw what I saw in that Mansion, Even the party jollof Rice, I couldn't taste it in my mouth. That image of Suhaib as the Groom kept tormenting my head and I couldn't say anything to anybody again. We went back to the hospital and I don't know if they told Mama what happened or not. I doubt if they did.

Suhaib has been calling me since after that while I kept ignoring the call.
I sighed, I am tired


We all entered our house with tears in our eyes. I looked around the room and I felt the pain back new. One incident and everything has changed. Everything!

"Our flight to Chicago is in two hours." Captain Captain said, Coming into the room. Ya leemarh sniffed back her tears. She pulled her trolley and leaned it against the wall before standing up and leave the room. We all watched her movement and when she left, I sighed moving my attention back to packing my clothes.

"What is Suhaib's position in your heart after knowing this."

I raised my head and closed the wardrobe. "I swear I don't know." I replied watching him set his lips in a thin line as if in thoughts.

"But don't you think he has his own reason of not telling you?" Ya Habib asked making me raise my teary eye from the direction I fixed My sight.

"Whatever the reason is, I am not willing to listen, Ya Habib." My voice cracked. "Why does Suhaib always keep on doing this to me? I am not sad because he got married." I paused cleaning off my tears. "But rather I am sad because he didn't tell me. Ya Habib he keeps hiding things from me and I hate it! He is showing me that his problem is his Only and I am not important! He is showing me I have no business with his personal life and so he needs to push me away when he is in any problem."I swallowed a bitter knot down my throat and still continued. "If he had told me Hey Asmau I am going to Marry I would have listened. I won't ask him why and I won't stop him....."

"But Asmau I can't tell you!" I heard his voice making me turn around. I thought I would see him standing but then I saw Ya leemarh holding her phone. She walked to where I sat on my wheelchair and moved the phone close to my Face.

I heard his voice cracked even though it was through the phone. "I couldn't break you by telling you I was getting married but they forced me, Asmau. My parents didn't listen to me nor my opinion and they want to hook me up with my cousin. I know you would find out but I couldn't open my mouth and utter that thing to you. I decided to avoid you but I couldn't! I came to the hospital after Ya maleek told me what happened to your Father..."

I cut him off angrily. "Had it been you told me all these would it not be better?!uhm?! Can I stop you from obeying your parents? Can I change Halal to Haram?!Is your bride even sitting on my head?" I muttered that more to myself and I wheeled myself Away leaving him shouting my name through the device.



I swear I don't know when I bursted into tears. I have never cried in my life like this. I felt ya Maleek hugging me but that is giving me another urge to cry More.

"That was what I kept telling you." Ya Maleek said making me cry More. "Stop crying, Suhaib You ain't a baby. A man never cries no matter the situation. A man is supposed to make decisions and be the pillar to other people." I stopped sobbing and I look up at Ya Maleek

"What am I supposed to do, Ya Maleek?" I asked settling myself.

"Listen, Suhaib." Ya Maleek began. "You are a man and you are supposed to console her when she cries. No matter how she shouts and yell, you should keep your voice lower and calm her down because you think better than she does when fraustrated. It is easy for the devil to get into your minds when you both are angry so you need to stay focused and know how to control your own Anger and frustration. When you knew you have to Marry Naima, You were supposed to call or Even go to see her. Tell her what is happening and she would listen to you I promise. Even in women, Asmau is that who calms herself and understands. So when you see her like this,You pushed her to the wall. " I sniffed and nodded. I know I did. "Didn't you hear what she said? She said your worries are not yours alone. You should share both your happiness and worries, be with each in all situations, Never run away or avoid each other."

"Insha Allah, Ya Maleek. From Today I won't repeat it."

"Good." He nodded and smiled. "Now clean those tears, Man up, be a RL, obey your parents and Marry Naima. Do not humiliate her and give her all she deserves as your wife. Then, you fix your situation with Asmau. But her sister told me she needs time. I don't mean leave her like that all Alone. No that would be a mistake. But rather, Show her you are with her and encourage her with school, Send messages everyday in the Morning, before you sleep and in between the duo do something that you know she would love and appreciate. By the end of the Semester I would go to their school so then we would go together." Ya Maleek winked at me while I only laughed. Having a brother like him is a blessing. No let me rephrase that, Having someone to be with you in your Life is a Blessing. No matter the situation, always hold on to your loved ones. Never run away from each other and never push away one another. Be with each other and tie yourself together no matter what.
I stood up and got ready for those events, Wore a big smile and obeyed my Parents. I would make my Life better, but more better After I Marry Asmau.
I would tell her and show her My worries are not mine only. I would love her and treat her like a Queen.
I would kneal in front of her and tell her Her wishes are my Command.

I know it's kind of a boring and short chapter. But More Drama coming to your screen I promise.
Suhaib and Naima's marriage issa banger but naaaah! I'm ain't interested in her so I won't waste words on her wedding...


I would rush things Abit because I find myself writing short precise books these days. Anywhooo, Next chapter, we would peep and see Suhaib's Marriage life with Neemah.


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With love, #you know the name

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