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Hajia Azeeza adjusted her veil that kept falling down as she walked very fast with all her three daughters following suit except Asmau was on a wheelchair and Rukkayya as usual,  wheeled her. They briskly went to the reception where they met the receptionist.

"Where is My Husband?" Hajia Azeeza asked Tensed. The receptionist was supposed to get confused at the woman's question but was used to this type of questions.

"What's his name ma'am?" She asked raising her head from her monitor.

"Idris Mala." Haleemarh replied as fast as possible. The receptionist nodded and her eyes went back to her montior. She rose her head and met four pair of anxious eyes staring at her.

"He's in the operation room four turns away from here." She pointed the way and their eyes immidiately followed her line of sight making them quickly walk and didn't stop till when they reached the operation room.
The red light was on which shows the operation is still going on.

"Did you call Uncle Suleiman?" Haleemarh asked as realisation dawned on her.
Hajia Azeeza rose her blood shed eyes to look at her daughter, and nodded before she leaned her forehead back on the wall.

Asmau face palmed muttering duaas for her Father and as well calming herself. Rukkayya sat on the waiting Chair unable to move while Haleemarh paced from this wall to another. Chanting the same thing over and over again.

Ya Allah save my Father

"Rukkayya pray." Asmau said and Rukkayya shifted her gaze to Asmau. "Pray for him Rukky." Asmau said with a weak voice.

The red light went off and all the four shifted thier gaze to the OR's two White doors.


Abuja, Nigeria

Maleek palmed his face in shock, disappointment and disbelief. "You mean.." He trailed off throwing his hand frantically. "You are getting punished Just because of that? I mean.." He rose his hand up and opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out. He sighed dropping his hand. "Hell No! This isn't happening. They are punishing you way too much."

Suhaib Only blinked the tears that are beginning to gather at the brim of his eyes. "I have to marry that stupid human being because of my Anger issues." He then shrugged and smiled bitterly albeit his blurry vision due to tears "I..." He shook his head with disbelief. "In one month time I would be stuck with Naima forever." His voice dropped with every word he Said.

"How comes I didn't see the video trending if that's the case?" Maleek asked as he scratched his brow out of disbelief.

Suhaib Only shrugged.

"Look." Maleek begun. "Whether trending or not trending that video isn't enough to make you marry Naima. That teeny weeny thing is not enough to make you suffer with Naima. You can't control her!"

"I know." Suhaib said and Maleek couldn't even stand. He sat down on the carpet close to his brother. Suhaib closed his eyes without knowing the reason

"What of Asmau?" Maleek asked making Suhaib open his eyes immidiately. "Suhaib the girl is worried sick about you. Her sister Just called me. Don't do that to her, Suhaib."

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