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I sighed. For one week, it's Still the same pattern. Even though our Father regained consciousness, he is very Very weak and he Lost his speech. He Only stare at us with words at the tip of his mouth but he cannot say them. My heart squeezed when he smiled at me that day and at the same time I was very happy.

My Father and his brother owns a small guest house here in Kano. My Father usually travels to Kano together with his brother so they got themselves a house here. Coincidentally, he came to Kano alone this time around. Only if he knew what would happen to him.
So we all were living in the house  including Ameerah, her Mother and brother, and also thier Elder brother that came later on. He is a pilot so she wasn't around when they wanted to go to our house in Guangzhou for holiday.

"Maleek you scared me. For God's sake you told me you would get back to me but  didn't get back to me for a week now." Ya leemarh said, with worry laced over her tone.

The phone wasn't on speaker but I could hear him. I didn't hear anything for a while before I heard him sigh. "Nasani princess, I know princess but wallahi my phone broke and heap of family issues bothering us stopped me from getting another one."

That 'princess' he said reminded me of Suhaib so I had to sigh. Ya leemarh tilted her head and stared at me for some seconds before she focused back on her phone

"Suhaib Fah? What is happening we ought to know." Ya leemarh said as she turned to look at me while I fidgeted with my fingers.

"Princess Suhaib is physically Okay but not mentally. We are battling with lot of Family issues at home. I told him to call Asmau but he didn't want to. But then, he is here beside me I would give him to talk to her." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I didn't hear anything for some minutes but the next thing, Ya leemarh leaded her phone to my ear.

"Mie mie nah." I heard his voice and the name he called me gathered tears at the brim of my eyes. I didn't want to talk so I kept quiet. I turned my head around the room and I realised ya leemarh left the room.

"I know you can hear me mie mie but wallahi I haven't forgotten about you. I think of you everyday Every night. It's just..."

"That you do not take us as one that you needed to throw me away because you were in problems. You showed me that your worries are yours alone." I opened my mouth to talk but I shut it as tears began to roll down my cheeks. I thought we were one.

"It's not like that Asmau. I swear it's just that..."He trailed off sighing. I waited and gave him the chance to explain but he said, "I don't know how to explain."

"Fine then!" I shouted with my crying voice. I was about to cut off the call but just then, Ya leemarh walked in so I handed her the phone. I didn't focus to hear whatever they were talking about but I heard her telling him we are now in Kano.

I started to get ready because we are going to the hospital so Mama would come back home to eat and rest

The door opened as Ameerah walked into the room three of us Share.



After talking to Asmau and hear her cry, My heart shattered like a glass cup hitting the tiles from a height. I didn't know what to say to her. She wanted me to explain But I couldn't. I heard Ya Maleek Supplicating prayers as if something was wrong so after he was done making the call I immidiately asked him what was wrong.

"Haleemarh's Father was involved in an accident one week ago here in Kano on his way to Rano."

"Subahanallah!" I wispehred standing up immidiately.

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