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"Mstwww."I hissed deeply as I picked my coat from the bed where she had opened her wide mouth and is sleeping as if she has nothing to do. I woke up an hour ago and got ready but this woman hasn't woke up talkmore of Preparing Breakfast for me. Naima and cooking are two different things with pillars apart. She hates it if I would say my own opinion. "Naima!" I called tapping her repeatedly again and again before she stretched herself and lazily opened her eyes. That was when I buckled my wrist watch.

"Uhm?" She said with a sleepy groggy voice. Sleepyhead kawai

"I'm leaving for office."I said turning to look at her. She hissed and laid back on the bed again.

"So what then." She muttered making me have the urge to slap her face. "I thought you are not using me as the means of transportation." She closed her eyes again while I only stood, not even knowing what to say to her. With Naima in the house, without her, it is as good as empty. I Only shook My Head and picked my labcoat before ambulating downstairs.

"Good Morning Sir." Nengi, the Maid greeted me as she bowed reverently.

"Morning, Nengi." I replied while she went into the kitchen and came out holding Packaged food. "It is your breakfast, Sir." She handed me while I thanked her and walked out.


"So now you mean you guys won't get married till when she is done with her studies?"I asked Ya Maleek through My earpods as I drove to the hospital. We work in the same place and we would see each other for the whole day in less twenty minutes but see us taking now. He is talking about him and haleemarh's Marriage making me think about my own and Asmau. Talking of Asmau, I have used Ya Maleek's Advice and before you know it, Asmau accepted me back. I told her everything she needed to know and I tell her every detail of my life. Only that I don't talk about Naima because it isn't proper to speak Ill of her in front of Asmau. But honestly speaking Anything I would say about her is not a complement. It is two Months now after our marriage but nothing has changed. Only getting worse seff.

"Yes that is Better, Bobo. And I think it would be better too for you and Asmau. Even if you cannot wait till she is done with her studies at least by the time that Haleemarh would graduate then Asmau is halfway through and it's okay by then." I nodded. I hope Allah SWT gives me the strength and patience to Wait.

"Yes you are Right. But isn't it better we inform Baba about them? At least let it be official with our family. Let them know each other." I said and I'm quite sure Ya Maleek nodded.

"Exactly." He sipped something before he went on. I guess it must be his coffee as he is driving to the hospital."I would let you know After I talk to Baba."

"Aiit then." I said as I arrived at the hospital. "I am now in the hospital and I'll come to your office after My Surgery. Greet Madam for me and ask the health of their Father please." I said as I turned off the ignition.

"Insha Allah. Oya focus and do Surgery carefully don't think of Asmau." Ya Maleek said while I chuckled. See a pot calling a kettle black.

"Consult properly and Don't write Haleemarh's name on somebody's folder." We laughed together and that was when I came out of my car. I checked my pocket to see if my was phone was inside before I picked My Labcoat and My coffee along with my Breakfast. We bid farewell promising to check each other later while I walked to My office to prepare myself for the Surgery.




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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