Chapter 2

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Year 2002

"Nii-chan! Manji-nii!" Inside the Sano Dojo, 11 years old Y/n ran inside the hallways, calling for her big brother.

She ran into the main training room of the dojo, expecting only Manjiro to be there, but looks like there's a few visitors at the dojo today.

A few boys sat down on the ground in a circle, each one of them looking slightly intimidating. Manjiro was sitting in between a black hair guy and the tallest guy.

"Hm? Mikey, I didn't know that you had another little sister." Y/n's cat-like golden eyes turned to a liliac-haired guy who spoke.

"Of course you don't know! Y/n! Come over here!" Little Y/n felt a bit shy around the intimidating guys, but obeyed her big brother and ran up to him, sitting down next to him.

"Haha!! This is Y/n, youngest of the Sano family!" Manjiro wrapped his arm around the girl's neck pulling her into a small hug.

"Um.... Hi!" Y/n slightly smiled to the dudes.

"Hello!!" Some of the boys replied back with a small smile, while some answered with a small wave.

Then, Manjiro lets go of the hug and started chatting with the other boys. Little Y/n didn't quite get what they were saying, and felt a bit excluded from this conversation.

"Nii-chan-" Y/n tried to start multiple conversations with the boys, but they didn't seem to hear her and continued their talk about who's bike is the best.

"My CB250T 50cc model's the best!!...... And Y/n, did you say something?" Mikey smiled proudly talking about his bike, and then turned to Y/n, his smile slowly fading away.

"........" Y/n felt like someone just gave a small squeeze to her heart. Her older brother didn't seem to noice her uneasiness around the boys.

It's okay........ Manji-nii's busy with his friends.....

Y/n looked up slowly to Manjiro, trying her best to not cry: "Ah, Nii-chan, I remembered that I still have homework to do!! Needa go!"

And without waiting for Manjiro to reply, Y/n stood up and ran out from the main training room.

Running up the stairs and tripping, Y/n fell to her knees and her vision was blurry because of tears.

I- I need to stop crying- Why am I even crying? Because Nii-san favored his friends more than me? No!! I- I need to be more mature!! I need to think wisely-

The little girl's messed up thoughts were suddenly cut off when she heard a voice.

"Hey, Mikey..... Why was your sister looking like she was going to cry or something?" Y/n flinched hearing of the deep voice. She recognized the owner. It was the boy with raven black hair and sharp fangs.

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