Special chapter

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Y/n never felt so horrified. The rotten smell of the little gray squirrel's corpse still lingered around her nose. The black squirrel's struggling image vividly showing in her mind.


Special chapter - Squirrel


It was a sunny and lovely Sunday today. The wind bristled softly, as the blinds in Y/n's room softly rocked back and forth.

A small knock was heard on the window, as Y/n turned her head away from the ceiling. It was a small, grey squirrel was currently patting the window's glass curiously, it's pitch black eyes staring at Y/n.

Smiling, Y/n got up from her bed and inched closer to the squirrel outside, careful to not scare it away.

"Hi, mister squirrel....." She mumbled under her breath, as she placed a finger on the window, not daring to open the window since the little creature might come in.

"Squeak!" The squirrel squeaked from outside the window, as it's hand patted where Y/n's finger was, wondering why it can't feel it.

"Y/n-chan!! We need to go!!" Suddenly, a male's voice interrupted the two's interaction, as Y/n looked away from the squirrel and shouted:

"I'm coming!!" Remembering that she has to go shopping with Shinichiro and Manjiro today, Y/n quickly bid goodbye to the squirrel and left her room.

In the living room, Y/n spotted Manjiro sitting on the couch with an slightly annoyed expression on his face. Seeing this, Y/n decided to not go near him, instead, she went to Shinichiro who was wearing a small grin.

"Oh, heya Y/n-chan! We're gonna go now!"


Walking out the dojo that she called home, the first thing that caught Y/n's eyes was as man crouching near a tree in front of their house, one of his hands holding a phone, clearly taking a video-- However, Y/n wasn't able to see what he was filming, since his back was facing her

A bad feeling slowly rose from Y/n's heart, as she followed Shinichiro and Manjiro to their bikes. While Shinichiro was helping her fix her helmet, Y/n took the opportunity to take a peek towards what the man was filming, and what she saw, was absolutely--


Right next to the man's feet, was a small, frail-looking black squirrel laid on the grassy ground on it's belly, struggling to even stand up, while the man was pulling it by it's fluffy tail.

For a split second, it was like Y/n could feel the pure fear radiating off the small squirrel. The girl was left speechless, until Manjiro shouted: "Y/n! You coming or not?!"

Y/n jumped a little, scared by her brother's annoyed voice and unconsciously climbed up Shinichiro's bike, before snapping her head back to the poor squirrel.

"Wait Shini-nii--"

"C'mmon, Shinichiro!!" Manjiro shouted loudly, already starting to head ahead.


Before Y/n could mutter another word, Shinichiro started the engine of the motorcycle and drove away, the figure of the man and the squirrel grew smaller and smaller.

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