Chapter 8

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"Hey hey, what do you think you're doing at our turf, jackass?" A boy with braids grinned while he yelled out loud to the drunk man.

"Brother, there's a girl over there...." Behind him, a younger boy murmured while pointing towards the little girl who has already fallen unconscious due to blood lost.

"Hm? A girl?" The older boy hummed, before literally shoving the drunk man aside with his thin arms, and went up to Y//n with a questioning look.

"What's a little girl doing here alone, huh?" He asked, while slightly poking the little girl's cheeks before realizing that she was unconscious.

"Damn~ What did this girl even do to you, that you literally made her head bleed and fall unconscious?" The older boy touched Y/n's bleeding head for a moment, before retreating his hand that was covered in the girl's blood.

"None- None of your business!!" The drunk man shouted, as he tried to land a punch on the boy, however, the man suddenly froze and slowly fell to his knees, before collapsing on the ground face-first.

Behind him, the younger boy stood there emotionlessly while one of his arms were still stuck out, his hands remained in a punching motion.

"Tch, weakling." The older boy tsked, before motioning the younger boy to come. The younger boy followed, and soon came next to his older brother, not forgetting the step on the drunk man's back a few times.

"What is it, brother?" The younger boy asked, before the older boy smirked.

"You're better at bandaging wounds than me, right?"

"....Yeah?" The younger boy answered, a bit dumbfounded.

"And.... You have bandages on you right now, yeah?"

"....Yeah...." The younger boy replied again, a bit hesitantly this time.

"Then that'll do!!" The older boy clapped his hands together, as he chirped in joy.

"What do you mean-" The younger boy questioned, before getting pulled by his brother and forced to treat the little girl's head wounds.

After wrapper many layers of bandages around Y/n's head, the younger boy frowned at the blood that is still a bit visible. Raising his hands to prepare to wrap another layer of bandages, the boy was even amazed by himself at his sudden burst of sympathy.

After finishing up, the younger boy gracefully patted away the dust on his knees from kneeling in front of the girl. His purple eyes remained on the little girl for a moment, before turning towards his brother, the older boy.

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