Chapter 3

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The freezing air hit Y/n's bare arms, slowing her down at the tiniest. It was already mid-November, but Y/n payed no attention.

Running through the street, her eyes spotted a familiar plate with the name S.S Motor printed on it. Stopping her tracks slowly, Y/n peaked through the glass of the shop, only to see Wakasa, Benkei, Takeomi, and Shinichiro chatting with each other happily.

"Ah...." Y/n whispered. The dizziness that made her want to puke already disappeared after she left the house, but the heavy breaths and the anger still remained for no reason.

I don't...... Belong here...... Shini-nii is fine with his other friends.

Slowly backing away from the shop, Y/n never felt so lonely and angered before. The fuming fire inside her heart made it impossible for her to feel the cold, as she continued to run to a random direction.

Not too long later, she found herself in front of a familiar building. Mind empty, eyes blank, Y/n walked into the building without realizing it at all. Climbing up the stairs and knocking on a certain door, a tan boy opened the door for her.

"Who is it- OH!! Y- Y/n?!!" Izana's eyes grew wide in surprise, before noticing that Y/n was only wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants and screaming:


The next second, Y/n felt the warmth from Izana's blanket wrapping around her, with a cup of hot-but-not-burning water in her hands, and her butt sitting on Izana's bed.

"....." Y/n's eyes stared at the cup of water in her hands, and looked up to Izana, who was trying to find another fold of blanket for her.

"Nii-chan...." The little pale girl muttered silently, though it didn't go unnoticed by the tan boy.

"Yes, Y/n?! Are you still cold- I mean of course you still are- But do you need anything? Are you hurt? Do you-"

Izana started bombarding Y/n with infinite questions, worry clear in his eyes while he walked closer, crouching down to Y/n's height while speaking.


Y/n didn't say anything, but her lips slightly quivered, and a small hiccup accidentally escaped.

"Nii- Nii-chan-" Tears started uncontrollably pour down from Y/n's eyes again. 

Izana's eyes grew wider in panick, before Y/n started crying harder while hiding her face in the blanket.

"I- i- i-" A few words broke free between the little girl's sobs and hiccups, but Izana couldn't hear it at all.

Sighing in a worried way, Izana stood straight before sitting next to Y/n, giving her a tight hug.

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