Chapter 5

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"Huh?" Manjiro and the ravenette boy let out a small, quiet gasp. They seem to be a bit surprised of the little girl's sudden action.

But too bad Y/n didn't care too much. She charged towards her older brother with her top speed, a hint of red slowly taking over her eyes.

Manjiro raised a brow, amazed by his sister's nearly inhuman speed. Raising his leg, he was about to launch his significant kick before Y/n abrutively stopped her dash.

How?!!  Manjiro's eyes widened. How could someone stop so suddenly at their top speed?

The little girl noticed that Manjiro was about to use his nuclear kick the moment he started to raise his leg. Smirking without noticing, she suddenly stopped despite going on top speed. 

Kneeling on one leg as the other was extended straight behind, Y/n could feel the cold wind brush against her hair followed by Manjiro's leg. And then, the little girl spun her extended leg and kicked Manjiro's other leg which was on the ground, supporting his weight.

Without anything to support his whole body, Manjiro froze for a second before falling on his butt, while the little girl slowly stood up, the hint of red in her eyes was now nowhere to be seen.

"Eh- EH?! Nii- Nii-chan!!" The little girl snapped out of her state and tried to help her brother up, but Manjiro tsked and pushed her away, making her fall on the ground, too.

"Ah!" The little girl screamed a bit at the unexpected movements. She looked up to Manjiro who was already on his feet, a dark shadow covering his face.

"What the hell, Y/n!!" Manjiro yelled out loud, making his youngest sister flinch as he stomped out of the room, while the ravennette boy chased after him.

Seeing her brother storm away, the little girl blinked a few times before processing what happened. 

"Manji-nii....?" She called out silently, but the boy already left seconds ago.

"Y/n!" That was the moment Grandpa Sano finally arrived at the scene with his old, slow legs. He helped Y/n up to her feet, before sending her back to her room and promising her to teach a lesson to Manjiro.

Sitting on her bed and hugging her knees, Y/n quietly sobbed while speaking internally.

What did I do? What was that sudden feel of rage..... How did I defeat Manji-nii? That's impossible.....

Why did Manji-nii push me? Is it because I made him look weak in front of his friend? But his friend was mean to me and nii-chan never cared- 

Why am I so stupid? Why can't I just be more likable? Am I just too annoying for Manji-nii-

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