Part 1

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As gentle as feathers, the snow piles high

Our world gets rewritten and retraced every time

Like fresh plates and clean slates, our future is white

Sleeping At Last - Snow

As Zayn takes in the view of the mountains and the lining of fir trees, he can feel his apprehension fading. It's quite daunting to see the great figures towering over them from the window of their taxi, but he figures once they make it up there, he might actually enjoy it. Enjoying a trip to a ski resort is not something Zayn ever thought he'd do, especially since he's going to have to spend his Christmas break with possibly no internet, more snow than he ever encountered in his entire life, and close to zero personal space (he has to share a room with his sister Doniya). But he figures if he stays away from the cold, it shouldn't be too bad. Which, he soon discovers, is easier said than done.

They stop in front of their hotel and when he gets out of the car he's assaulted by a gust of icy wind, making his teeth chatter. Begrudgingly, Zayn goes back and forth from the lobby to the car since it seems that his sisters have brought an entire store's worth of clothing with them. When they're finally all inside, he takes his time to look around.

It's not particularly fancy, but it's something. Zayn isn't sure what he expected, but he wouldn't mind spending two weeks in here: an advertisement says there's an indoor pool, a sauna, a hot tub, and more. The rest looks to be fine, but as a college student he isn't really picky. He's used to living in a... neglected environment, you could say.

He drags along as much luggage as he can to the front desk, where his parents check in while he watches his sisters bicker over who's going to get which bed. Zayn has no clue what his room looks like, but he doesn't really care - as long as it has a bed, he's fine. Doniya's idling on the side glaring at her phone, when he sidles over to look over her shoulder.

''Any luck?'' he asks when she pockets her phone with a sigh.

''The Wi-Fi seems to be slower than...I don't know, it's slow.''

''Still, better than nothing,'' he argues, tightening his grip on the luggage when his parents motion for them to follow. They all squeeze into the lift, where Zayn takes a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath. He doesn't understand how anyone in their right mind would voluntarily go from a cold place to an even colder place, but apparently his parents thought it was a wonderful idea to leave dreary England, only to go to Austria of all places. Well, at least it isn't raining, just snowing instead. Zayn thinks he prefers the rain.

The lift stops at the fifth floor and they spill out, following their parents like obedient little ducklings. Even if his parents have poor taste in holiday destinations, Zayn has to admit they know how to raise their kids. His little sisters Waliyha and Safaa might annoy him, but they're still the sweetest girls he knows.

After handing out the keys, his parents tell them to get settled and meet them downstairs in fifteen minutes. Zayn motions for Doniya to open their door and when he trudges into the room he can see two single beds, a small TV, a set of chairs, and a set of doors that lead to a small balcony. He leaves the honour of checking the bathroom to Doniya and immediately dumps the luggage on their beds, sitting down on his afterwards. When she comes out to tell him the bathroom's alright, he looks around at the pastel coloured walls and wooden accents and decides that maybe he might like it here after all.

Alright, that was the first chapter! Next update will be on Monday. I hope you like it!

Until then xxx <3

Dedication: @Dj_N_Malik

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