Part 6

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It's like someone opened a window and he can finally smell fresh air. His head was starting to get stuffy from living in the same setting, from limiting himself to only so many experiences. Up until now, he didn't realise that 'protecting himself' did more damage than good. Zayn is ready for the good. He is so ready, but still scared. Terrified, actually. Wouldn't be him if he wasn't.

They've been here for six days now, and they already have their own little routine.

Zayn has breakfast with Harry, listens to him talk about everything and nothing. It's actually more calming than listening to his own thoughts, and he finds he would rather get out of bed right away so he can escape them sooner. Except for one particular morning.

This morning he wakes up with the sun warming his skin. When he cracks open an eye he sees and hears nothing; Doniya must already be out. The curtains are open and for a moment he's convinced it's summer, because he's sweating and his clothes are sticking to his skin, but then he remembers. Zayn feels his cheeks warm up, flashes of his dream appearing in his head with vivid images of Harry. Images that make his stomach flutter, before the guilt dulls it. Harry is his friend; he can't be having dreams about him. Still, Zayn wishes he could go back to sleep so he could once more feel Harry under his fingertips.

As he's debating in his mind whether he should try to go back to sleep, his eyes actually start to droop and before he knows it he's startled awake by three rapid knocks on the door. The sun hasn't moved, so Zayn concludes it can't have been too long. There are three more knocks, causing him to stumble out of bed and towards the door while he pulls at his sweaty shirt that's sticking to his skin. He is still feeling hot. When he opens the door Harry's standing there with his fist raised, ready to knock again.

''You're a mess,'' is the first thing Harry says. Zayn takes a moment, watches Harry slowly lower his fist before shrugging and letting him in.

''What time is it?'' Zayn asks as he goes into the bathroom, leaving the door open.

''Well past breakfast time!'' Zayn looks at himself in the mirror; his hair is sticking in all directions, his clothes are askew and he looks (and smells) like he ran a marathon.

''Why did you wait so long?'' he asks as he shuffles out of the bedroom, pausing when he sees Harry making his bed. ''What are you doing?''

''Even if you're a mess doesn't mean your room has to be. I waited because I figured you'd appreciate a lie-in. Don told me you're not a morning person,'' Harry explains as he brushes the sheets free of crinkles.

''She told you? What else did she tell you?'' Zayn feels sick, because his sister knows things about him and if she's talking to Harry about those things he doesn't know what to do. With Harry he has a clean slate, someone that doesn't really know him yet. Only now it dawns on him that he should appreciate what they have, because Harry looks at him like he's a person. Not someone that needs to be pitied.

''Nothing else, relax. You go take a shower, I'll wait.'' Harry sits down on the neatly made bed and pulls out his phone. Zayn watches for a moment, perplexed and still unsure of his next move, before Harry looks up and makes a gesture towards the bathroom. ''Chop chop!''

Zayn quickly gathers some clothes from his suitcase and locks himself in the bathroom. This is odd. He feels odd. First Harry makes his bed and now he's sitting on said bed, waiting for Zayn to finish taking a shower. Zayn always imagined this situation differently, Zayn taking a shower while Harry was in his room, on his bed. This is not how it was supposed to go.

He's in and out of the shower in a flash, and tries to pull on his underwear while towelling his hair dry at the same time. He barely manages to steady himself when he catches his foot on the fabric and tumbles forward, knocking some things off the small counter. There's a knock on the door and Harry's voice asking him if everything is alright.

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