Part 15

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The following evening things haven't improved very much. Zayn can't seem to focus on whatever he's doing, and he's afraid Harry is catching up on it, if the worried glances are anything to go by. Yet again Zayn shifts on the bed, feeling fidgety.

''I know what you need,'' Harry talks through the film playing on his laptop, the one he chose. Zayn can't remember the name, but he agreed because he just wants to spend time with Harry.

''Yeah?'' Zayn asks without lifting his head from Harry's shoulder or taking his gaze off the screen. Not that he's really watching; he's too distracted.

''A relaxing bath.''


Harry sighs and closes the laptop, removing it from his lap and placing it on his bedside table. ''Because you seem tense. You need to unwind, is all.''

''You're just trying to get me naked,'' Zayn jokes, lifting his head so he can look at a smiling Harry.

''There's also that. Come on, it's a great idea!'' Now he's pouting, and Zayn knows that Harry knows he can't resist that.

''Fine. You are joining me, right?'' Zayn stretches languidly, smiling when he catches Harry looking at the bit where he knows his shirt rides up.

''I am. Wait here,'' Harry orders him, but Zayn wasn't planning on moving just yet, anyway. He lets himself slide down the bed until his head is resting on a pillow, the ceiling the only thing in view. Sounds of running water drift through the air, and for a moment Zayn closes his eyes, focusing on Harry's footsteps.

Zayn tries to think of how this could be normal to them; taking a bath together. He knows they've skipped a number of steps, yet it doesn't feel that way. Whatever they do feels right, and he honestly can't remember the last time that has been the case. They seem to just work. Or maybe it's Harry, maybe he 'just works' with everyone. It shouldn't matter, though, because right now he's with Zayn.

''Water's ready!'' Harry announces, and Zayn sighs before getting off the bed and making his way over to the bathroom. He pauses in the doorway, notices Harry's put his hair up in a bun and a warm citrus-like scent filling the room. ''Only had oil, so no bubbles.''

''I don't mind,'' Zayn says, closing the door behind him. Even though they're alone, he still likes the feeling of privacy. He watches Harry slip out of his briefs until he's all skin, pale and smooth, his tattoos somehow standing out even more in the dim lighting. It doesn't take long for Zayn to take off his own clothes, mostly because he can feel Harry staring at every part of him.

The water rises a few inches when they both get in on opposite ends, their knees knocking together as they try to get situated in the incredibly small bath, but when they do, Zayn knows what Harry meant.

At first he expected it to be anything but relaxing; cramming himself in a small bath with another person, being surrounded by walls and the hot, suffocating water. Honestly, the temperature is perfect. It's not scorching, actually feels more like a warm blanket being draped over him. And then there's the smell and calming sound of water slightly sloshing around when one of them moves. It's good.

''Zayn?'' Harry's voice is low, nearing a whisper.

''Shh, no talking.'' Zayn doesn't know when exactly he closed his eyes, but it doesn't matter because he just wants to rest his head back and enjoy this. He could, if it wasn't for the incredibly uncomfortable position. Again, small bath.

(start of sexual content)

''Zayn, just come here,'' Harry sighs, and when Zayn raises his head and looks at him, he sees Harry's got his arms open. It takes Zayn a moment to consider the offer, but then he decides it's a good idea. At least he'll be able to stretch his legs, so he clumsily makes his way over to Harry and settles against his chest while trying to ignore a certain part of Harry pressed against his back.

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