Part 11

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It's an almost clear night, the moon dancing with the few remaining clouds, in and out of sight. Zayn's always been fascinated by it, by anything bigger than him; the stars, the moon, the sun, and the mind. Sometimes his own mind feels bigger than the sun, especially on those days he can't seem to shut it off. When he's over thinking to the point of exhaustion, until his thoughts start to get thoughts.

Tonight is one of those nights. Zayn has been staring out the window for what feels like an eternity, waiting for Harry to text him to come over. In reality it's probably not that long, but time seems to slow down when he's nervous.

Behind him, he can hear Doniya turning a page of the book she's reading on her bed. ''Nerves are good, right?'' he asks, keeping his eyes on the glowing orb as it once again escapes from behind a cloud.

''Means you care. You'll be fine,'' she says absentmindedly, and Zayn nods. He can't blame her; he hasn't been able to stop talking about his date with Harry since he first found out. It's Christmas Eve, which is one of the things he's worrying about. Even if he doesn't celebrate Christmas, he feels like he should have gotten Harry something. Besides that, he's also worried about not knowing what's going to happen. He doesn't like not knowing things, because then he can't prepare for them.

Buzzing from his pocket startles him, and he quickly retrieves his phone to see he received a message:

I'm ready for you. See you in a bit. x

He takes a deep breath and wills away his nerves. There's really nothing to be nervous about, it will be just him and Harry. Alone. Which shouldn't make him this nervous, because he spends plenty of time alone with him, but this just feels...tonight feels different. Good different.

"It's time," he announces, more to himself. When he turns around, Doniya is looking at him with that suggestive look she gets sometimes. He knows what she's thinking. "This will be a normal date."

Doniya chuckles. "Alright. Have fun, little one." Zayn only huffs, and as he's on his way out, his sister calls after him. "See you in the morning!" Good thing she can't see his ears burning red.

On his way to Harry's room, he tries to collect himself. He figures no amount of preparation is enough, which means there is actually none needed. Everything will be fine. All he needs to do is remind himself of that.

When Harry opens the door after Zayn finally knocked, he knows everything will be fine. It's Harry, and he won't want to do this with anyone else.

"For a moment I was convinced you wouldn't show," Harry says as he steps back and lets Zayn in. The room has somewhat transformed; there are candles placed around, giving everything an orange glow. A bottle of wine and two glasses are waiting on the dresser. Romantic, is what it is. Zayn can't remember anyone ever doing anything like this for him.

Zayn smiles at Harry and reaches for his hand. "Wouldn't miss this for the world." His ears pick up the faint music playing in the background as a new song starts, a piano playing a warm, cheerful melody. It sounds familiar, and only when the singing starts does he realise what it is.

He snorts. "Driving home for Christmas?" Harry laughs and walks over to the small radio, turning up the volume.

"I had trouble finding a signal, alright? At least there's music," he reasons, swaying from side to side as he walks back towards Zayn. "Dance with me."

Zayn groans but goes with it anyway, placing his right hand on Harry's shoulder as his left hand clasps Harry's right one. As they're slowly swaying to the music, Zayn finds himself getting lost in Harry's eyes. They're shining with happiness, and he knows he must look the same, because Harry makes him happy. Makes him glow with it, a warmth spreading through his chest like a cosy fire. No fireworks or explosions, but the comfort of easy company.

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