Part 3

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The first time he catches him alone is when Zayn's strolling about the little village square. His family is off taking skiing lessons, while he busies himself with the small stands and cute little shops. Zayn absolutely refuses to take part in any activity that could end in him breaking anything, and was just hoping to get some alone time when suddenly there's a loud voice behind him.

''Zayn! Hold up!'' He freezes in his tracks and turns around to see Harry speeding towards him, wrapped in what looks like a million layers of clothing, looking rather deformed. When he reaches Zayn he's looking entirely too happy with rosy cheeks and a wide smile.

''You wearing your entire suitcase or something?'' he asks Harry, who pouts and follows Zayn when he starts walking again.

''No! It's just cold outside. You should know, you're outside.''

''Nothing gets past those keen senses, huh?'' Zayn quips, stuffing his hands in his pockets to hide the fact that he's not wearing gloves - which he definitely regrets.

''Hmpf. What are you doing?'' Harry asks, kicking at the snow while walking and looking at their surroundings. There's nothing very interesting going on.

''Walking. What are you doing?'' Zayn stops when he sees a cute little café. It looks very warm inside, something he decidedly is not.

''Are you always this moody?''

''Are you always this obnoxious?'' Zayn retorts, turning to glare at Harry.

''Heeey! I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. Maybe you need some hot cocoa? How about there? It looks nice,'' Harry says and walks over to the little café Zayn was eyeing to look through the windows. Great, there goes his alone time.

''Fine, but I'm not paying for you.''

''Didn't say you had to. Come on.'' Harry pulls at his arm and when they're finally inside, Zayn takes his hands out of his pockets to rub them together. It's nice and warm inside; not just because of the temperature, but the atmosphere and Christmas decorations make him all fuzzy.

They find a seat by the heating while Zayn watches Harry struggle out of his coat. At first he awkwardly reaches out as if to help, but then quickly sits down, hands folded in his lap. Suddenly he regrets not going for the window seat - at least he could look outside. Now there's nothing to look at but Harry. Not that he's bad to look at; he has very nice features, sharp in all the right places. His eyes are always bright and shiny, and his mouth has this curve-

''Can I get you anything?'' A waitress stands next to their table, notepad ready. Zayn clears his throat and is about to tell her his order when Harry speaks up.

''Two hot cocoas.'' Zayn watches the waitress retreat to the bar before looking at Harry. He leans forward on the table, hands clasped together.

''Why aren't you with your family?'' Zayn asks and notices how Harry flushes, somewhat ducking his head in embarrassment.

''I kind of broke my leg last year. Not so fond of skiing anymore,'' he mumbles. ''What's your excuse?''

''I'm not so fond of danger. If there's the slightest chance I could get hurt, I'm out.'' As he says this, Zayn realises it's not completely true. He doesn't think he could stay away from Harry, but it's just a hunch anyway.

Harry laughs and shakes his head. ''You better be careful, then. I've heard cocoa can be dangerously hot.''


The next time he sees him, he's not exactly alone.

Zayn is sitting on his balcony, back against the wall and arms wrapped around his legs. Everything is so very white: the mountains, the buildings, even the sky seems colourless. He's still baffled by the amount of snow and its beauty. The world looks asleep, and if he wasn't sitting outside in the cold, he might just fall asleep himself.

Except he'd probably think too much. That's what he always does. Something keeps his mind occupied at all times, and today that something is Harry. Zayn spent the majority of his day with him, with this annoyingly happy person who's always asking too many questions and is getting on his nerves. Yet Zayn still enjoys his company and wishes to spend more time with him. If Harry wants to, that is.

Apparently Zayn's default setting is 'moody, like someone ran over your dog,' according to Harry at least. If only Harry knew it's because Zayn doesn't want to grow too attached. So far, his plan hasn't worked.

He can hear a knock at his hotel door, so he quickly gets up and opens it to reveal his parents.

''We're all having dinner together. Are you ready or do you need a minute?''

''Nah, 'm good to go,'' Zayn sighs, feeling his pockets for his room key and then follows them to the lift. The ride down is quiet, but it's welcome after he spent his afternoon getting his ears talked off. He's surprised they still work. After they make it to the lobby, Zayn's steps falter when he sees Doniya and Harry laughing over something on Doniya's phone. They're in stitches and Zayn's watching with a heavy feeling in his stomach, his mood already growing sour. When his mother said they'd all be having dinner together, she really meant all of them. Zayn is tempted to turn back around and order room service, but Harry already spotted him and is slowly approaching him.

''You never told me how funny your sister is!'' he starts off, nudging Zayn.

''That's because she's not,'' Zayn grunts and follows his parents to the restaurant area.

''Still moody, I see.''

''And you're still obnoxious.'' Suddenly Zayn feels tired. He likes Harry, he really does, but he's trying to do them both a favour here. If being moody means saving himself from another possible heartbreak, he'll do it. Even if he'd rather laugh with him, show Harry that he can be funny too. Show him that he's an amazing person and not some grump who's adamant on shooting down every friendly gesture sent his way.

Being someone else can be incredibly tiring.

''I'll get you to like me eventually. Just you wait and see!'' Harry says before he bounds off to join his parents up front.

Little does he know he had Zayn from the very first moment.

I hope you enjoyed the third chapter :). Thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting! Next update will be on Friday.

Love you people xxx <3

Dedication: @imazaynie93

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