Part 13

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''This is your idea?'' So it is well known that Zayn isn't fond of anything that could result in serious injury, yet Harry still thinks this isn't a bad idea. This being snow tubing.

They're already there, because Zayn foolishly follows Harry anywhere without questioning it. He is wrapped in so many layers of clothing he lost count, but he doubts they will save him from breaking any bones, or the children currently sliding down the mountain.

"Cool, right?" Harry chirps, looking around excitedly.

"Have you met me?"

Harry frowns. "What? I- oh. I promise you it's safe!"

"Tell that to those kids flying off to their deaths! How aren't they terrified? Anyone smart would be!"

"You're so cute when you're worried." Harry kisses Zayn on the cheek and trots off towards the employee in charge of the tubes, who looks bored out of his mind. Zayn on the other hand, is trying to keep calm. When he sees the people going down at such a fast pace in something that, to his standards, is not safe, he doesn't feel tempted to follow them. However, they do seem to be having fun, and fun is just what Zayn needs.

He catches up with Harry and nods at the employee, getting a blank stare in return. "Fine, I'll do it. Just once."

"That's the spirit!" Harry cheers, squeezing Zayn's shoulder. The employee comes back with two tubes attached to each other, and hands the rope to Harry. "Alright, let's go up."

Sighing, Zayn follows him. When they make it onto the moving walkway, he realises they're really doing this. He doesn't have to like it, just endure it. It'll be over soon enough. Behind him, Harry's whistling the soft melody to a song he doesn't know, but if Zayn focuses on that, he should stop feeling nauseous.

It actually helps, until they reach the top. Admittedly it's not as high as he originally thought, and everything seems less daunting when he looks at it from above, but still. He can't shake off the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Eventually it's their turn and Zayn is facing nothing but snow. There are people in the distance and trees lining the mountain, while the sun suddenly appears from behind a cluster of clouds, as if it came out just to gloat at a miserable Zayn.

''You okay?'' Harry's worried tone pulls Zayn out of his trance and he turns around to look at him. ''I'm sorry if I pushed you too much. You don't have to do this.''

Zayn nods. ''I know, don't worry.'' Harry doesn't look convinced and his frown doesn't quite leave his face, but when Zayn gives him a thumbs-up, he rolls his eyes and lowers himself onto the tube. With his heart pounding against his ribcage, Zayn sits down himself. His back is to Harry, and the only thing Zayn can see of him are his snow-covered boots by his side, because he bravely decided to sit in front. Already he regrets that decision.

''Hold on tight!'' Harry calls, voice high with excitement. Zayn snorts, because he really doesn't need anyone to tell him to hold on. With every inch they're being pushed forward his grip seems to become even tighter, until his hands start to hurt.

Only one more push before they'll be flying down the hill.

''Oh shit,'' Zayn breathes just before he can feel them begin to slide down, their speed increasing rapidly. All he can see is white and vague shapes in the distance due to his watering eyes. He's spewing profanities, but he can barely hear himself because of the wind in his ears and Harry's loud laughter behind him. Then, just like that, they stop.

Zayn feels like he might have lost his stomach somewhere along the way, and he really doesn't trust his legs, so he stays put. Harry appears in front of him with a beaming smile, if not breathing a bit heavily.

''You did it!'' He sinks down onto his knees and grabs Zayn's face, giving him a big, wet kiss. ''I'm so proud of you,'' Harry pants, still smiling.

''Yeah,'' Zayn says weakly and tries to stand on his shaky legs. He catches Harry giving him a worried look, but waves it off and tries to pick up the rope attached to their tubes.

Harry slaps his hands away and takes it from him. ''Let me do that. You don't look so good.''

''Enough excitement for me today, I guess,'' Zayn confesses. He could use a break.

Harry grins at him and starts the walk back towards the tube storage with Zayn following closely. ''Although you didn't sound excited, you know. Don't think I've ever heard you swear that much,'' Harry laughs.

Zayn narrows his eyes at him. ''Maybe because your obnoxious laughter was threatening to burst my eardrums.''

''You love my laugh,'' Harry counters with a smug smile. Sometimes Zayn really can't stand him. Especially when he's right.

''Shut up,'' Zayn mutters, increasing his pace. He suddenly can't wait to get out of the cold, to go inside and bury himself under a warm blanket. Preferably with Harry.

"Sorry, no can do!" Harry hands the rope to the employee, whose mood still hasn't improved.

Zayn sighs, reaching forward to take Harry's hand. "Want to head back and chill?"

"Actually," Harry starts, pulling away his hand and looking down at his feet, "I promised Don I'd hang with her."

"Oh. That's fine. I'll just, yea," Zayn fumbles for words, feeling incredibly awkward all of a sudden. He clears his throat and motions towards no particular direction, but Harry seems to get the message, and they start walking back to the hotel.

On their way back, all Zayn can think about are his empty hands, and how despite them being gloved and tucked away in his pockets, they still feel cold. He wonders if Harry actually feels the same; if he's fighting the urge to reach out, and not just physically.

No matter how much Zayn wishes he could read minds, he's also glad he can't. For now, he'll take what he can get and leave the figuring things out part for later.

Oh, Zayn.. always worrying. The next chapter will be up on Thursday! Thank you so much for the support!

Laters xxx <3

Dedication: @graffitizain

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