Part 7

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When they make it back to the lobby, shivering from the cold, Doniya's waiting for them.

"Hey! What are you two up to?" she asks, looking at both boys with a smile. Zayn glances at Harry to see him giving his sister a strange look, accompanied by a small shake of the head. How odd, he thinks.

"You know, I actually wanted to spend some time with my brother." Doniya moves forward to take Zayn's arm, but he quickly pulls back.

"She can join us. Right, Harry?" Zayn suggests quickly. He wants to spend whatever time he has with Harry, even if it means including his sister.

"Fine. Put on a bathing suit or something and meet me back here." As they get on a lift, Zayn can't seem to shake the thought that something is going on between these two, so he decides to keep a close eye on them. The lift doors open, and they part with Harry. His room is a floor above theirs.

As soon as the doors close again, Zayn decides to ask Doniya. "What was that about?"

"What do you mean?" He stands behind her as she opens their hotel door and trudges inside after her.

"In the lobby. Harry was giving you this strange -"

"So you like him?" she interrupts, rummaging in her suitcase.

"What? No!"

"You're adorable," she cooes, and walks off into the bathroom to change. Zayn groans and sinks down on his bed. So his sister knows, and isn't giving him the silent treatment, which means she doesn't like Harry. Not the way he likes him. Even if it's somewhat of a relief, that doesn't mean Harry won't like her. She's a likeable person: cool, sweet, funny, and pretty. Zayn is no match for her.

"Don't worry, little one. I won't steal him from you." Zayn looks up at the old nickname. It's what she used to call him whenever she knew he was worrying too much, usually about school projects. "Now go get changed."


Zayn has to admit this is a much better idea than ice-skating. They are currently chin-deep in a hot tub, the steam rising off the water in billows, occasionally clouding his view. Not many people visit the pool area, because why would they? There are plenty of them where they came from.

Zayn has tuned out the quiet conversation between Harry and his sister in favour of closing his eyes and relaxing his muscles. The hot water certainly is welcome after falling on the ice.


His eyes shoot open at the mention of his name. "What?"

"Don't tell me you were falling asleep," Harry teases. "You had plenty of that already." Zayn looks at him, really looks at him this time. Harry's cheeks are flushed, his skin glistening from the water, and even if his curls are sticking to his face, he looks beautiful. All-air-knocked-from-your-lungs beautiful.

"Your brother is acting strange, Don." Zayn blinks a few times and blushes. He tries to pretend he doesn't see Doniya wiggling her eyebrows at him.

"Sorry," he mumbles, staring at his fingers under the water.

"'S fine. We were saying that we should get out before we're all wrinkled." Zayn nods at Harry's words and sits up. He watches the flex of Harry's muscles as he climbs out of the hot tub, his swim shorts clinging to his firm thighs and arse. Zayn almost trips in his effort to climb out after he catches his sister smiling at him.

"It's ok, little brother," she whispers as they leave the pool area wrapped in towels to go back to their rooms. If Zayn could smack himself without looking like a fool, he would. He trails behind Doniya and Harry to give himself some space, focusing on the sound his flip-flops make instead of the conversation up front.

Zayn knows he rarely talks, but that's just how he is. He feels comfortable listening to other people and likes to take his time with responding. If you mention something he's passionate about though, chances are he won't stop talking.

That's also what he likes about Harry: he's not afraid to fill the silence. During the small amount of time they have spent together, Harry has managed to find out how Zayn works, and that you shouldn't be offended if he doesn't say much. That wasn't the case in the beginning, though. He often got annoyed and deliberately let the silences go on, until one of them couldn't bear it anymore.

Sometimes they don't even need to talk and are perfectly content doing their own thing. Harry will read a book and Zayn will work on something in his sketchbook. They had a rocky start, but after that they soon fell into what feels like an old friendship, something familiar and easy.

Although Zayn wouldn't really describe it as easy. Not when his hands are itching to brush Harry's curls out of his face when he's reading, or to simply hold his hands. When he wonders what it would be like to hold Harry close to him. They're dangerous thoughts, and Zayn doesn't like dangerous things, but he likes Harry, which should mean what? That's where his thoughts usually end and his headache begins.

He concentrates on the mechanical noises of the lift, with his hands wrapped around the bar and his eyes on his reflection. The mirrored walls make the lift seem big, makes it feel like he's in a room filled with a million versions of himself, all staring back at him. Maybe, if he doesn't blink this time, he'll see. Maybe-

''I'll see you guys at dinner,'' Harry's voice sounds. Zayn quickly follows Doniya out of the lift and looks back at Harry to send him a small smile before the doors close again. When they do, his sister hits him on the back of his head.

''Hey! Why did you-''

''Stop doing that!'' she demands and starts dragging him along to their room when the doors open on their floor.

''Stop doing what? I wasn't doing anything.'' Zayn yanks his arm free and hurries away from her to open the door. He's tempted to throw it shut in front of her face, but leaves it open and sits on his bed instead.

''Exactly,'' Doniya says and closes the door before sitting on the bed next to him. ''You don't do anything. You're always looking at your feet and keeping your mouth shut.''

''I'm not,'' he mutters.

His sister sighs and grasps his hand. ''Then look at me.'' She waits for him to do so before continuing: ''You're scared to look up, and I understand why, so I decided to watch and let you do things in your own time, but damnit, Zayn! You have to look up now!''

''Why?'' Zayn croaks. It feels like something is lodged in his throat and he's not quite sure what he's asking, but any answer will do. He just needs an answer.

''Because Harry likes you. He's a good person and he likes you, and as your sister it's my duty to make sure that you know, so you can do something about it.'' It's not the answer he was expecting, yet it seems to be the one he was looking for, and as he looks into his sister's eyes he can't help but be encouraged by her words.

Harry is his clean slate, his chance to start over and do things right. He's as safe as it gets.

"What do I do?" Zayn might be encouraged, but he still isn't an expert when it comes to romance.

"Take some time to think about it. You'll know. Don't think too long, though," she chuckles and pats his hand. "Don't worry, little one. I'll be here if you need me."

"Thanks, Don." She hums in response and leans forward to place a chaste kiss on his forehead before getting off the bed and trudging towards the bathroom.

Zayn will see Harry at dinner and he will be looking up.

Who can guess what's going to happen next? :) I'll be updating on Saturday!

All the love xxx <3

Dedication: @rayofzaynshine

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