Part 2

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Zayn doesn't care much about unpacking so he's the first one to head downstairs. His stomach is rumbling and after the long drive from the airport, he could use something to eat. He actually didn't eat much before they left because he isn't particularly fond of airplanes and he was afraid of emptying his stomach's contents on the person seated in front of him. As he gets out of the lift, he keeps his head down to avoid making eye contact with anyone. As well as airplanes, he isn't that fond of strangers.

It doesn't take too long for his parents to come down as well, followed by his still bickering sisters. Their discussion has moved from beds to their next activity, and Zayn finds himself listening in on them, although it doesn't take long before his attention is elsewhere. This time he saunters after his parents, but stops in his tracks as soon as they reach the lobby where a loud shriek pierces the peaceful atmosphere.

It seems to have come from a woman around his mother's age, with dark brown hair and a very bright, wide smile. Zayn watches confusedly as the woman and his mother envelop each other in a tight hug and when he looks around he sees two other figures at the front desk where the woman came from, backs turned to them. He glances at his father but he's looking rather distressed himself, so waits for his mother to detach herself and clear up the situation.

''Oh Anne, how lovely to see you! How long's it been?'' Zayn's mother asks the woman, who's apparently called Anne.

''About twenty years? Oh my!'' Anne gushes and lets her eyes wander, until they rest on Zayn. ''Is that little Zaynie? He's gotten so big!'' Zayn's unnerved by her wide smile and awkwardly grins back, because for the life of him he can't remember the woman or why she would know him.

''I'm sorry darling, maybe you remember Anne? We were colleagues back in the day,'' his mother tries to clear up, but Zayn only shakes his head and shrugs. He doesn't do well with strangers, especially not strangers that apparently aren't supposed to be strangers. Zayn thinks he can feel a headache coming up.

''That's alright. Maybe he'll remember Harry? Harry! Come over here,'' Anne turns around and calls for one of the figures standing by the desk. One of them is tall and lanky with brown curly hair down to his shoulders, legs positioned awkwardly and hands clasped behind his back. The other one is shorter and stockier and Zayn can see his greying hair from here.

The tall one - Harry - turns around first, frowning at his mother, who's motioning excitedly for him to come over. When he does, Zayn suddenly feels... nervous isn't the word. He was nervous before when his mother introduced him to Anne, but this feels like he's auditioning for a major talent show and everything he does and says has to be perfect because his life might depend on it.

''This is Zayn, honey. You two were basically attached at the hip! Until we moved, that is,'' Anne adds the last part somewhat quietly, pushing Harry forward in front of Zayn. Their eyes meet and Zayn wishes he could remember, wishes he had some knowledge of this person standing in front of him, but he doesn't. What he really doesn't understand is how he could forget, because Harry has stunning green eyes that seem friendly yet intense. And Zayn is staring, he should not be staring-

''Oh, hi. Nice to meet- I mean, see you? Again?'' Zayn rambles and blushes, jaw tensing when he can hear Doniya snicker behind him. Harry only smiles widely and holds out his hand, which Zayn looks at dumbly before grasping it and giving it a firm shake.

''You, too,'' Harry says before turning away and facing his mother. ''You said we were childhood friends? How come I don't remember?'' Zayn is slightly saddened by the fact that Harry doesn't seem to remember either, and this feeling would be confusing, if not for the weird tingly sensation in his stomach he's sadly familiar with. It's a bad sign, really. Mostly because his recent love life is not something he likes to think about, since funnily enough love is what it actually seems to be lacking.

''Well, you were young and all that. Anyway, I think we should all catch up! Wouldn't that be nice, Tricia? Too bad Gemma-'' Zayn kind of zones out and lets his eyes wander, following the broad planes of Harry's shoulders, down to the hands clasped behind his back again, and inevitably to... Well, he has a nice bum. That's when he stops himself, forcing his thoughts to more appropriate places because these are old friends and he can't do this.

Zayn promised himself, after his last relationship ended badly, that he would take a step back. Keep distance to protect himself, and maybe even others. His last boyfriend broke him by cheating on him and his best friend Liam was left to pick up the pieces.

Some pieces Zayn still finds when he comes across an old memory he thought was long forgotten. They visit him at night, during that moment when you're not quite asleep or awake: everything's quiet and your mind is open enough to allow old pictures to flood back in. Most of them are painful and unwelcome and leave Zayn staring at his ceiling until they pass with time.

So he doesn't always feel like a fully functioning human being, and Harry looks like something Zayn might need, but Zayn isn't the best judge to say what he does or doesn't need. That's how he got here in the first place.

He leaves his emotions and his needs out of it to spare Harry, who might not ever like Zayn that way, and Zayn thinks it's best if he never finds out.

Next update will be this Wednesday! The third chapter should be a bit longer. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I really appreciate it!

Laters xxx <3

Dedication: @Mrsdenisemalik

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