Amost kiss

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  Devon looked so pretty today him and his stupid face I can't not look stare like...UGHHHH,I can seem to handle just seeing him he's just so AHHHH so pretty and nice and so's just the way is eye's are soft and make me spill my guts on the floor but I have to hold it in, the way the sun shines on his skin making it seem like his skin is like porcelain....

Jake put in his headphones and turned on "I Hate My Mom"-GRLwood. Lexi went to sit with Jake like she always did in the morning seeming how they were almost like sister and brother. But people of course people don't think that. Jake and lexis room were next to each other's they walked with each other and they talked all the time. People were just gross

JA:I ran out of my meds
LE:What when
LE:Okay then tell mom or dad(Lexis parents have been called jakes parents sense they with kids)
JA:I will
I couldn't stay still I ran out of not only my ADHD meds but the ones for my Anxiety and Depression. I'm almost out of my insomnia ones...
Mom and Dad won't be able to get anything yet bc it was filled last week I dropped my pills down the bathroom Darn like a idiot
And then only thing keeping me from getting them is Devon I can't talk to him I get to freaked out!
-10 minutes away from the end of the class-
Jake couldn't stay still he moved so much he looked so upset for the fact he wasn't focused? I get he likes getting good grades and stuff but like shit!

TE:Okay sense this is the end of class and the day the people in your groups for all the English classes are:
Group 2:
Group 2:
Group 3:
OMG I mean I'm gonna 5th wheel
But ahhh Jake is gonna freak!!
-The bell rings
JagsuwjahgshajvxiamgK!!! I walked out to Lexi who was with our group so I did only thing I could and needed to tell her
JA:I'm gonna go refill my meds
LE:Did you bring the money!!
JU:What meds??
JA:ADHD, Anxiety and Depression
DE:Can I walk with you??
LE:Yes please it will make me feel better
Me and Devon walked sooner then I thought Devon Grabs my hand I guess I was moving it I think
He didn't Let go sooo yeah
-3 hours later-
Me and Jake didn't go back to Lexi after we left Kroger We just walked and talked. After awhile we sat under a tree Before I sat I took a picture of Jake he looked cute!

 After awhile we sat under a tree Before I sat I took a picture of Jake he looked cute!

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After 20 minutes of me looking at him and his lips I started to lean in.. he did the same..Then I asked myself what would my mom what me to do and pulled away..Jake said sorry and that he was tired and he got up and walked off?
I started running.. when I got home I did it..
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.10,11,12 switch arms
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.12 time for thighs
I heard Devon's voice.. No no no it felt good putting myself in my place.. I was in the wrong for thinking he would kiss me I cleaned off my arms and leg wrapping them and I walked out.

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