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The only thing that came into my mind when writing the title to this is Stacy's the song...yeah
Fruity 1🍑-🍑
Fruity 2🍓🍑-🍓
Mama 🐻 -🐻
Gay son🏳️‍🌈-🏳️‍🌈
The husband💍-💍
POV:DEVON(This is mostly texting) ✨DEVONS MOM SO HAS IT GOING✨ GC
💍-Why is that the name again?
🏳️‍🌈-This group what's to fuck your mom.
🐻-Devon we need to hang at your tonight.
🍓-Why his?
🍑- 1-His mom is there 2-Non of us like you house and or your family 3-Jake didn't wanna see my family.
🏳️‍🌈-Checks out
💍-Okay be here by 6:01 Jake be here in 50 minutes
🏳️‍🌈-I'm almost ready

I walked up to Devs house and HIS FUCKING MOM answered the door. I stopped. I'm 100% gay but I'll take off 1% for her. She's pretty and I started to blush.
ME:hi are you Jake?
JA:Um-I-yes I-I'm Jake
I put out my hand for her to shake. She smiled and shook my hand Then Devon yelled that he would be down in a few minutes! Me and Miss Evens talked as see was getting ready for work she packed a bag.
JA:So are you going on as trip
ME:Yeah sadly for my work...I leave a lot. Okay so there's a mission thing almost. There's a missing kid in the north so I'm going there for a few weeks you know?
DE:Mom I love your story's but JA-
JA:how old is the kid boys are a little less likely to get kidnapped same with bigger kids.
ME:6 girl and you are right
DE:Jake common!
Devon pulls up from my chair and kisses his mom on the check and the we go to his room.
DE:I'm starting to think you like my mom more then me?
I walk over to Jake and kiss him. Much longer then our last one. We stood there for a few minutes. It felt like hours though. You didnt understand why people like kissing until you almost crave the feeling or as gross as it seem the other persons mouth or spit. It was nice Jake pulled away when when my mom knocks on my door he grabs a comic book and sits on the bed then I open the door.
DE: hi mom
I smile at her and she says she was leaving then I asked her to talk outside
DE:Okay. It's been a long time sense we had a talk like this one but I have something to tell you. It's really important and ser-
ME: Did you get anyone pregnant
DE:What no I'm bisexual
ME:Oh okay well think you for sharing with me we have to talk about this more when I get home. But think you for telling me...
I look at my phone I had texted from everyone saying that they couldn't come tonight. That was really okay more time with Jake. Mom leaves and I go back into the room. Jake was reading a book smiling.
DE:Whatca reading?
JA:2AM thoughts
DE:Cool cool
I take the book out of his hands and then I sit on the bed.
JA:So what was that about?
Jake sits on the side and I pull his leg on mine and I smile.
DE: I told my mom I was bi
Jake hugs me and goes on about how he was proud of me. This felt nice now i can officially plan how I ask him out . If I can do it know. God what am I even doing?
JA:You are amazing! That means you can go on dates with wh-
JA:I-I guess if that's what you want.
DE:it is what I want Jake. Iv wanted that sense iv seen you. Iv wanted to hold you and kiss you and call you mine. Jake wheeler my boyfriend..
JA:Devon... is this you asking me out?
DE:I guess I would have liked it more if the room was more romantic but yeah it is me asking you out.
Jake kissed me and a little while later it was a make out session..
DE:Can I move to your neck?
JA:Yes please
Jake moves up on the bed laying down a bit so I could get on top of him
-1 hour later-
DE:Your elbows is on my ribs and it hurts a lot
Jake still with his eyed shut moves his arm and lays his head on my chest. I look at his body the marks I left there. A hour of kissing and more god what's wrong with me. It's like when I look at him I feel like butterflies are in my stomach and my checks are ovens. It's just AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Why am I so confused.

It was a few hours since me and Devon were asleep. Since then we've been in the kitchen talking and making food. Although it's a bit boring just watching it's nice. It's a nice type of boring one over. I'm not lonely.

Lexi and the other is walk through the door loudly and I quickly cover myself. I still have a shirt on. I don't know why that thing to put one on, but I didn't. I think it's because I'm around Devon? I feel safe like I can be free shortlist have a free.. when we had just woken up, he was looking at my arms the scars. He got any Band-Aids, and then Jaron them little stars..

It was definitely adorable just watching him, smiling all my bandits one of the best feeling ever I think? It's like when you first see a cake! You're excited and can't wait to this experience it or you can't wait to destroy it or something like that I don't really know how to put it in the!

LE:Jake you have- OMG

Oliver and Junior smile and giggle like little kids in the corner. Well, Lexi's acting like a scary mother.. she's acting as if I have it taken care of myself! This is my decision to make. If I wanna do it with Devon I will obviously I won't I'm not. Stupid.

Although I've always been scared of disapproval. It's like getting. I'm so disappointed of you from your a mom or grandma, or any female, authority figure.. just does any figure in your life of mom and dad just getting disapproval..

But now it seems useless because I have Devon. I don't feel like I need everyone's approval to date him. It's nice and it makes me feel like I'm dancing on top of clouds... sadly, my mind has been interrupted by the yelling to Lexi and Devon


The group leaves finally at least I have alone time with Dev again I turned him and ask him just to keep making food. He dose before that he gives me a kiss and that makes me feel better.
-The next day-
I wake up to see Jake. Hhhh jake curly hair. Brown eyes pretty face. That's Jake he is the guy that would save me from anything even someone who he sees as a mom. It's terrific to know that I have someone like that on my side.

I like imagine people to fluffy cloud, and then falling and then having an eagle Sudan save you that's what it feels like to be next to Jake!

JA: Good morning sunshine
He smiles at me. The biggest cutest smile ever! One that could cure everything my sadness and more.
He just makes me so happy!
I've waited for this for so long I don't know how to respond. Do I say hi or good morning or call him a nice nickname or three!
DE: morning
WTF just morning to good morning sweetheart with a smile how do I respond now do I kissed him or hug him or just continue cuddling. Do you know what I'll do all three! I had him closely kisses cheek, and we stay here for two minutes or more. I lost count. I just know I wanna stay here forever. I have all I need.

(They were cuddling like this you pick who's who <3) JA:Happy to see me?  Jake left

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(They were cuddling like this you pick who's who <3)
JA:Happy to see me?
Jake left. It was a joke, but all in all I was ridiculously happy to see him, even if we've been laying next to each other... on a different time weekday no actually on all of those statements, I'll be happy and just amazed that I could be here again... laying next to Jake Wheeler. The guy that it took me years to ask out or even talk to.
Hi everyone OK so thank you for waiting this long to get this update. I just kind of an out of ideas so please leave whatever you want to see in this book in the comments because I don't have anything right now like I have stuff that I want to put into this book like head cannons and stuff, but I can't make an entire chapter on it Obviously! So if you have any other head cannons that you want to see or different little bit or just Jevon and general tell me!!!

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