Pudding and milk

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NE:Okay a REALLY cute head cannon!
Jake loves holding hands. Like it's one of his favorite things! But when Devon holds jakes had he pets jakes had with his thumb or moves it in circles. Be also dose it when he has his hand on jakes waist or thigh. Also I think Jake would smile when Devon gets exited of small things

When Jake and Devon were eating with the group Jake saw Devon eat some pudding. But then Devon asked the waiter for Milk plan milk

I was watch Devon eat his pudding and drink his milk just looking. Then Lexi texted me!
—Lexi 😙—-
LE:it's weird to start take a photo to make it last longer 😝
JA:I know it is but oamhsinshaoa look at him I love him so much 😚
LE:Omg just go back to being a a freak also you have a hickey I can see from our table with is a little farther away for mom

I roll my eyes and cover my neck then I go back to watching Dev eat. He was smiling! It was so cute I can't help but smile I don't fucking weird but like I said you get into a relationship, everything someone does makes you happy.

You can be proud of them for doing the bare minimum. Like taking out the garbage or clean dishes, or just telling you that I love you.. it's like everything makes sense now. Before I was the relationship I didn't know what to do. Is he aware how it's it's different. I don't understand it.. I don't think I ever understand it

If the bare minimum you can pass for because first of all you can! But now it can be difficult stuff that you can just smile that or an argument, and after that person's now that you can be happy immediately...(next chapter ha ha)))

Even though me and Devon have never really gotten into a an argument that's terrible.. but I know that it would've been my fault or something(next chapter 🤣)

But even so, I'll forgive him! Because I can't even imagine being in a relationship without him. I can't imagine going on my phone and I think his contact as my first call.. I can't imagine going to do geometry or mad. I'm not seeing him and then not walking home with them at the end of the day.

I don't even think I can imagine my life without him anymore...

I look up and see Jake looking at his phone doing something. I place my hand on his inner thigh.

(Like this) And then I went back to eating not really paying attention to Jake of the others who were in another table

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(Like this)
And then I went back to eating not really paying attention to Jake of the others who were in another table.
-30 minutes later-
LI:so are your two ready to leave to go tooooo?
Jake standing up making me take my hand away. Lexi puts her stupid arm in jakes inner elbow. And they start walking and talking.

I know it's stupid to be jealous...but sometimes I can't help it, I hurts when you and your friends and boyfriend are walking and some old fucking lady ask if your boyfriend and his best friend are a thing. It hurts
(Wink wink )
They walk and walk at one point Lexi they held hands and I feel ignored like I'm not cared about..Like this relationship means nothing to him.
-Half way to the park-
Jake stops and Lexi goes to Oliver
JA:Are you okay Dev
DE:Yeah just don't like the park Curls
He holds my hand and puts his head on my shoulder.
No matter if Jake doesn't understand how I get sad but he sure understands that I need love and attention.
JA:I'm sorry for not paying attention to you my love..
DE:My love?
I smile and we stopped walking and he pulled me to his house and we watched a movie.
<After the movie>
JA:I love you
DE:I love you more
JA:I love you EVEN more
He smiles and looks at me I hate to say it but our relationship isn't that happy sometimes.
I have a list of stuff when were upset and we didn't talk:
1,When Jake dosent talk to just me and I feel sad then we don't talk about it..
DE:I'm not happy
I stand up and start to talk:
DE:We don't talk about stuff. I don't like when Lexi holds you and stuff. I don't like when you don't talk to ONLY me I don't like when you don't touch me or don't respond to my text. And and..
He stands up and crossed his arms and nodded his head... I take a deep breath this could help me. ?
DE:I don't like when you don't tell me what's wrong or you don't say thank you to me or take my comment! I don't like it at all! Or when you take my hand and then take it away or when you call me Buddy or Bro I'm your boyfriend! I'm my love you honey or babe or anything!!
Jake walks out the room and then the house. And then after like 5 minutes he walks back in.
"Keep talking" is all he said...
DE:I hate it when all you do when I'm over is kiss me like I want time to cuddle and hold you. Sometimes it's feels like all you want to do is kiss me not to just have me and love me and care about our relationship...

JA:Devon Lexi is my sister and I'm so sorry I don't wanna talk to you sometimes or when I call you words fucking words! And ME NOT CARE ABOUT OUT US? FUCK YOU SAID THAT YOU FUCKING WASNT READY DEVON SO YEAH I DONT CARE!
Okay so that's the end I was really sick for a long time so this is sorter then normal


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