The first date

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   With our a doubt I have to take Jake on a real date. Not getting his pills at Kroger and then walking around. Like a lunch date in the afternoon and at a park on a blanket and and-
Lexi looks over at me and passes me a note.
𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭? 𝓨𝓸𝓾'𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓽𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓸𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓪 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 3 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓼. 𝓙𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓑𝓣𝓦
I look bad a little just to see Jake and yes he was he smiles and looks away when I see. But when I look back to our teacher. I'm no time I feel his eyes back on me...I go a bit red and fix my outfit so I look good.
I give Lexi a note again
Okay first write like a normal human and I'm also okay! I'm thinking of the perfect date for me and Jake but I'm scared to ask him!
I'm writing like a normal human. But just ask him in a note. Also FUCK YOU my handwriting is beautiful better then yours 🙄🙄
That's a good point...let's make the note.
Jake, so I was wondering
No no no not like that
Jake, so I was thinking maybe we should go on a date later because we have a half day.
I hand a pen to him with the note so it looks like he needed a pen.
Jake, so I was thinking maybe we should go on a date later because we have a half day.———>𝙾𝚏𝚌! 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚒𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎. 𝙻𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 (⺣◡⺣)♡
I look at him and the rest of class I didn't pass him a note. 1 more classes until Our lunch date.
—Ring Ring—-
JA:Wait up!
Jake ran up to he and jump on me giving me a hug. I grab his hand and we walk to our free period.
DE:Sorry forgot I was supposed to wait for you I'm so used to walkin-
Jake pulls me into a corner and we sit down it's near to front but not? If you understand that cool!
JA:So what is this date gonna look like ?
Jake puts his legs on mine.

(Like this the girl is Jake and the guy is Devon :)) DE:Well it's in the park I'll pick you up when you get to lexis and then you'll see! JA:Can I have a bit more please  Jake smiles and puts his head on my shoulder and we stay like his until the ...

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(Like this the girl is Jake and the guy is Devon :))
DE:Well it's in the park I'll pick you up when you get to lexis and then you'll see!
JA:Can I have a bit more please
Jake smiles and puts his head on my shoulder and we stay like his until the bell the we walk out.
JA:Why can't we go to the park know
DE: Good point, let's go to mine I have to get something!
—At the park—
We go sit down under a big tree. We set up and sit down.
DE:Sooo do you like this date so far?
JA:Yes, mostly because your here though
I smile and we start to eat and talk for a few minutes. The wind started to pick up so Jake got on my blanket and then we shared the one he was sitting on. So far this is the best and only date iv been on!
JA:Your the best ❤️
DE:No your the best❤️
I give him a kiss. Jake pulled away after "Seeing someone looking".
JA:I'm serious they looked like someone I new.
Jake brushed it off and gave me another kiss. He said it was to make up for pulling away for the other one!
JA:It looks like it's gonna rain let's get going!
  We walk to Lexis so I could drop him off. After we talk Jake kissed me it slowly turned into us making out with each other. I push him into the door and he opens it we walk in and continue making out to the couch.
   We pulled away from the kiss and we go to jakes room and cuddle wall watching a movie. We kissed once in awhile but it was mostly watching the movie.
DE:I have to get going my mom wants to open presents today because she has to go on a work trip tomorrow!
Jake smiles and says to and he walks me to the door kissing me goodbye.
JA:Have fun!
I gave him the biggest hug ever and the left to my house it was 9 at night and we were starting at 9:50-10!
-Texting—>Devon's mom
DM:Hey honey bring Jake Grammy got him something and same with the rest of they family see you soon ❤️
SHIT!I ran back to jakes and knocked on the door
JA:Devon what are you doing here
DE:No time to talk
I pulled Jake out think go he had slippers on by the time we go to mine it was 9:42.
DM:Hi you two just in time
DE:Yeah, Jake this my family. Family Jake my boyfriend
DG:Oh sweetheart why are you with him
DGP:Honey she was talking to Jake
My grandma gets up and pulls Jake into the kitchen
Miss,Evens devs grandma was going on about Dev when he was younger! Until we were called in the living room for the gift I think I'm here to take photos. I helped miss,evens to the living room.
DG:Oh strong boy, Devon you picked a nice little boy!
I blushed a bit and stood the side as they called out the kids presen! 10 each I would assume? The my name was called I thought someone else away named Jake but nope I got the same amount of presents as the rest? I never got real presents the past Christmases I got myself stuff and then put my dads name in it just in case someone stoped by.
-When Jake was leaving-
DG:Tell me when ever you need something honey
She kissed my cheeks and gave me a hug. Dev kissed me and gave me a hug and told me he would call me later.
When I was walking home Dev ran out and gave me his present from him and they he kissed me. It wasn't fast even though his family was 100% watch us from the window. It was 10-20 minutes almost 30.. when he pulled away he had the biggest smile on his face.
DE:Thank you for coming to this Jake, my family really love you. They want you to come to the next family reunion with all of my family... it's in like a 1 or 2 weeks do you want to come...maybe? I mean if if you wanna
JA:yes I'll come to it Dev.. I have your gans I mean your grandmas face book by the way
DE:Het no stealing my grandma
He places his hands no my hips and pulls me in and I put my arms around is neck.
JA:I donno maybe I will!
I till my head and we hug standing there until Devs cousin yells that he needed to come in for a family photo without me bc they wanted me to be a surprise for the rest of the family.
DE:I'll call you later
JA:Tell your grandma I love her
DE:yeah yeah we'll do
—1 hour later- jake was about to go to bed.
I hear my phone ring I look at the name in my phone.
:Dev❤️ is face timing you:
I pick it up and we started to talk.
JA:Hi there stranger
DE:Hi, also my grandma says she can't wait to see you Sunday?
JA:oh tell her I'll be like 1 minute late to church please!
DE:omg Jake, can we talk about anything else please?
JA:By the way I love your gift, and nana sweater.
I smile and he laughs I didn't realize how long we had been talking until I woke up next to him on my phone. I get up and get ready brushing my teeth I hear my phone,
Devon opens his eyes still not looking at his phone I watch as he yawns and sits up.
JA:Morning sleepy head
I laughed just a bit as he looks puzzled for second and he remembered last night. it's to early for this
JA:Well we are on Christmas break
DE:my family's going to be staying all fucking we-
JA:Like everyone I meant
DE:Yes Jake yes they will b-
JA:SORRY-I'll be there soon
I ran out the house to Devs and his mom opened the door, she was getting ready to leave
DM:oh I Jake Dev-
JA:I'm not here for Devon I'm here fo-
Dev pulled me in! He was so happy to see me in then I saw his nana.
DE:I'm so excited that your here!
JA:I'm not here for you
I hug her and Dev stands there trying to to pull me away from my favorite person ever!
DG:Are you hungry I was making some breakfast for us come sit my love!
DE:Nanas I think Jake has already ate
JA:No I haven't I would love breakfast nana
DG:I'm happy you to run off and you get to work
Devon's mom leaves and Dev pulls me to his room!
DE:You came for my nana!
I smile and he gave me a kiss that we stayed in until we needed breakfast.
-After breakfast-
DE:Thank you nana
NA:no problem sweetheart heart let me clean now
JA:I can help with the plates!
I pick up some plates and bring them to the sink and then I kinda started to help with dishes and Devon talked to me wall I did. He talked about true crime, silly movies, Date ideas. All of it stuff I'm happy I get to hear about. He gets up and goes behind me and hugs me.
DE:Look at little house wife.
We laughed and stayed like this until his uncle and his kids walked in. Then Dev started talking to then. I finally get done with the dishes and listen to there conversation. I hear stuff like "Yeah I love him a lot" and then "Jake I really love him" from Dev and then "It's okay to say it when you know the time" and If he were to say it would you say it back...But would I ever say it? I mean one day yea but like like know..I mean iv almost said it!
-2 weeks yearly-
DE:Okay I have to go home know! Bye Jake
JA:Bye I l-would like to see you tomorrow
DE:Yeah okay
-End if flash back-
I think I would say it to him, but why would I not would I not wanna. I mean me and Dev could break up one day I mean it's almost happened after Chucky and he thought his mom was gonna die...I remember that big time..I was acting like a asshole.
-Flash back-
DE:This can be all about you.
JA:I'm not trying to make it all about me Dev!
-End of flash back-
I think then is when I go-
DE:Jake are you okay you kinda zoned out?
I realized I had my head on devs shoulder, i pick my head up and smiled
JA:Um yeah I just um have to go
Without saying bye I ran out of the house all the way to my house then up to my room. I stayed there laying on my bed. Not responding to text or calls just thinking.
-At night-
I hear a knocking at my window, Devon? I opened the Window. when I open it I was pushed on my bed and there me and him started making out just kissing he kissed my lips for a while then my checks then my neck then my lips again. For around 10 minutes each. For a long ass time but after awhile we cuddled no talking just cuddling.
DE:You scared the shit out of me Jake wheeler.
How would I even do that? I don't think I did anything?
JA:How did I do that
He sits up looks at me.
Did he fucking ask me that. He was at MY house cleaning until the afternoon without asking how I felt! Then ran out no kiss or hug or fucking bye. Then he didn't respond to me until night.
DE:Your being for real
I sit up and then he follows after
JA:We'll yeah
DE:You cleaned at MY home for hours and didn't talk to me. At first I thought you were mad at me. Then you put your head on my shoulder and didn't talk for a good minute. Then you ran out and didn't talk to me until I came here..I-I thought you hurt yourself or something Jake... I'm your boyfriend you should tell me stuff. Communicate.
JA:I love you so much Devon.
He climbed on my lap and kissed. I didn't have time to say it back. Until I pulled away.
DE:I love you to...
I kissed his neck for a little not paying attention to how long I was kissing for. After a little we layed down and went to sleep.

HI guys!! So I got a 2 ideas from ---jellybean--- !

Thank you for your ideas! If anyone has anymore then put them in the comments please! I would love to add them!

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Thank you for your ideas! If anyone has anymore then put them in the comments please! I would love to add them!


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