More sad and happy head cannond

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When Jakes upset and around Devon he lays his head oh his shoulder or lap

When Devon Drives(16 is when you get a driver license) and jakes in the car he always has his hand on jakes knee or thigh

When Devon drives no matter who's in the car and jakes coming with jake is in front 

Jake picks the music all the time

Devon had clothes and a tooth brush for Jake same the other way around

Even though they don't wanna do "it" yet they have talked about the stuff they "like"(Just because I put this in there will still be 0 smut. If you want that look at something else"

Jake takes Devon's socks because they are fluffy and his are normal and old

Devon in return has most of jakes hoodies and some shirts

Jake 100% talks in his sleep and sometimes he dreams about Devon. Also the first time he found this out and hurd his name he thought Jake was fucking with him.

Lexi and Jake match on days of the week and one year for Halloween when they were kids Lexi was Regina Jake as Karen and Junior was Gretchen.

Jake and Junior use to garden together and still talk about plants

Oliver and Junior don't act like they are dating at school but everybody knows.

Oliver and Devon's love language is touch but are dating people at don't understand it all the time

Lexis love language is giving gifts and she's always getting stuff for people. But she's really bad at getting gifts

Jakes love language is giving compliments but sucks at taking them sometimes (same with junior)

Jake doesn't like when people don't eat all there food so he normally eats leftovers

Devon has a kinda small appetite

Lexi makes food and acts like a mom for Jake because Lexi didn't get the love of a good mother

Jake acts like a child because he was beaten for being one

Junior over active's because he likes being told he's doing good because his dad often pushes him to he the best without tell Junior he was doing good

Lexi and Jake make trama jokes when they pass notes in class so if they get caught the teacher reads it out loud

Jake and Lexi and Junior skipped a grade

Oliver throw's parties to make up the fact that his parents leave for months and he got lonely

One time Devon said jake looked good in reds and blacks so he kinda only wears those to colors

Jake likes the color pink but his dad said it was wrong

Lexis mom wanted a boy so from a baby to the age of around 7 she was dressed like one. This made her REALLY hate wear lots of clothes

Jake wears skirts sometimes when Lexi feels bad about herself

The group went to Walmart and they went to the bras and underwear because that's why they were there. Lexi asked jake to look because he's the only one that wouldn't make jokes. He asked what size she was and she said "the same as u"

Jake dosent like angel hair pasta but Lexi loves it

Jakes a picky eater but says he's not


Devon didn't know what Wattpad was until he started going out with Jake

Lexi had Wattpad but got to the smut and got off it

Jake reads and then makes fun of smut and he reads it with a blank face (same)

Okay that's all imma put for know but as normal at the top of the screen on some story's is a head cannon

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