This is forever

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Warning:this one is sad(sorry) but there is no brake up I promise this is just a Jevon make up after a fight  I promise!
The last thing that happened was me sitting on the floor of my bathroom.. I hurt myself again like a lot this time am I really that bad of a lover..FUCK! I hate myself and my stupid arms and legs!
I hear a voice the one I was yelling at..
I don't look at him I can't I'm the worst 
DE:I'm sorry I-I was dealing with shit...Jake I throw up my food...
I look at him and stand up..
JA:Do you want to talk about it? Can we
DE:At first nothing once of twice that I did it...then it was all the time and at first I just wasn't eating it was like a voice in my telling me to do it!!
  I hug him and he looks at me then my arms and legs. I think he forgot about it he looks at them then pulls up my arm.
DE:Is is it because of um
I can see how he though this was him
Even if it was what he said and more I don't want him feeling like this.
JA:No well kinda it's more then just the fight. It's like this part month or just year I was trying to get better but I couldn't then the fight it was just like the perfect timing to you know.
I started scratching at my arms then dev stoped me. I new that he cared so I don't know why I did this..
De:Let me clean this up and then we can talk. Is that okay?
I smile at him and like the fist time we did this, it stung a lot! And hurt so I said what I did.
JA:Devon it stingggs
He smiled and looked at me
DE:Do you want a lollipop?
He wrapped my arms and then went to my legs. I place my hand on the wrapped one trying not to cuss out Dev.
JA:I expect a kiss after this!
He wrapped my thigh and kisses my forehead. And we walk to my room.
DE:You know the doctor should have his payment aswell.
He pulls me in and we kiss. Standing there after just holding on. Not wanting to talk but we soon sat down and Devon went first.
DE: when my mom started leaving for work I thought that skipping meals wouldn't be that big you know..but when she came home she would say nice stuff more. Not about how skinny I was but like.."you look grown sweetie" so I just kept doing it. I know it's not okay I started eating more...but every time I looked in the mirror after I just hated it so much..... I'm getting better the school provides stuff for this so I'm doing it every Friday in PE.
I held him and told him it will get better and he can talk to me anytime. I explained that it can get better and then I was my turn. Fuck....
JA:My know how he hit me..well it's like ever sense then I-I get flashbacks of it all the time. When I sleep when people move to fast everyday. Yelling scares me and thunder doses and it feels like I can't ask for help anymore I tried and told the school but sense they came over and everything was was layed over and then..when they left I was hit to the point I couldn't move for hours..Then I started cutting myself and it was like all the stuff in my head and rest of me was...
I nodded I can't talk about this anymore...I know I should but just talking about my problems makes me feel like shit! Devon pulls me closer and then he started drawing on my bandages..

(I drew this)JA:Dev my name is on your wristDE:yeah and?? I rolled my eyes at him and he kiss my hand

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(I drew this)
JA:Dev my name is on your wrist
DE:yeah and??
I rolled my eyes at him and he kiss my hand.
JA:God fuck I love you!
DE:Well god fuck I love you to!
JA:Do you think we could eat?
Devon looks down for a second. We'll longer then a second I think he scared. I don't know why sense yesterday he had eaten but I think I know why?
DE:Y-Yeah I think that will be nice
We went to the kitchen and I got a lunch-able the pizza one and we sat on the couch.
Devon sat there looking at it. Off into space and I put my hand on his thigh . He looked up at me and shook his head.
DE:I can't do it. I'm sorry..
JA:Hey Hey it's okay my love this will take time. I may not know how this feels but I will always be here to love and care about you. And if this is something that is gonna take awhile to heal. We don't have eat know but sometime today can we eat?
DE:Yeah that sounds nice...also my love?
I smile and sat our food off to the side and we cuddled. Devon played with my hair and hands, he got up a little.
DE:Jake. I get you wanna stay here threw this but what if it gets to much and then you don't love me and you'll leave. Or it gets to much and well you release or worse you go to far and and..
JA:Devon look I don't care how long this takes of how much it will hurt me or if I release or do worse I want to stay here for you and I want to keep you safe. And I love you and I don't think there will be anything to keep that form happening.
BOOM! I guess sorry it's been a second this chapter has been finished for a sec but i fixed the last part of this. And sorry I haven't been in the best mind space I wasn't doing so good.

Should I do a face reveal?

---jellybean--- gave me the ideas for this chapter


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