My love

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Headconnon:Jake spends a lot of time at Devon's know! He's practically moved in to Devon's house slight smut BTW
Jake-morning person
Devon-night person
-timeline:A little over 2 months sense the last chapter! :Devon's Birthday passed and they planned to have the wedding on jakes birthday!:
I woke up next to my future husband. Ahhhhh I love saying that and saying Fiancé. It just makes me happy I don't even understand a word can make me happy!!! Devon opp- I mean my Fiancé starts to wake up, the first thing that was done was he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.

De:Good morning sunshine
Ja:Good morning Dev

Me and him have decided that our family and friends show find out on there own time that we're Engaged. We told his mom and my "parents" and our teachers but everyone else has to figure it out themselves. My phone goes off and I look at it.

—Sister is calling—

De:Who is it?

I pick it up and start talking

Le:Jake why haven't you been home?
Ja:I'm at Devon's
Li:You barley have shit in your room
Li:Come home!

I hang up it's not like she'll drag me out of the house? So I don't really care, Devs mom is gone 99% of the time and we are getting married.

-Half a hour later-
-They are still in bed-

Me and Dev were still cuddling. We were talking about the wedding and where it would be what we would wear. We decided I would be walking down the aisle. But I had to ask my "Dad" to give me away and we have to tell the rest of my family. I have to tell the rest of my family.
-They got up and Dressed and got in the car to tell jakes family-

We walk into the house where Lexi was fighting with her parents.

Ja:Okay let's sit for a sec all of you!

We sat down and I started off my saying iv been with Dev at his house because we were figuring stuff. Then it was time.

Li:What were you figuring out? And why would it have to be there? And why as it been months?
Ja:Me and Devon are getting married Lexi.

Lexi and Caroline looked at us with a blank face VARY confused. Caroline smiled and said congratulations and then Lexi did the same.

Ja:Caroline would you like to be a flower girl? Lexi do you wanna be my  "Brides mate"?
Li:Of course is that even a question!

Caroline nodded and said yes and Lexi got up and hugged me super tight. Know to my "dad" and mom I wanted them both to be a big part of this! After Lexi sat down it came to the questions.

Ja:Okay so sense your the closet thing I have to a dad would you like to give me away? And mom would you like to help me find a suit?
LD:Of course Jake we would be more then happy.
LM:Jake would you like to live with Devon all the time? Like fully move in today.. it would only be your clothes and all the stuff you need?

I looked at Devon and he nodded and dragged me to get my stuff. This is really happening!

-After he's moved in-
-The next day-

Mmmh I wake up to sun in my eyes. This is the sucker part of living with Jake. He wakes up first. What time even is it? -6:40- ah shit we have school. The only good part about school is the teachers let up go early cause we have cars. It's cool but we still have to go. I stand up and get Dressed, I wasn't feeling good about myself today so I went with Black lose jeans with a white shirt and a jacket over it.

-Down stares-

Jake was Dancing around throwing him a little party while making food.
How could anyone be so happy in the morning.. like I can hardly smile right know and he's smiling and dancing I can only wish.

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