Maybe..just maybe.?

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A/N:This and the next chapter is Jakes POV also sorry it's taking awhile for Jevon to hit :) also they are always at Lexis and Jakes bc there parents are always away somewhere the group all has neglectful family how don't notice there gone and Devon's mom is away a lot and thanks that it's better for Devon to be at a friends
Devon hugs are like Lexis warm and make me happy.. he's so beautiful...But my arms hurt so much!
DE:Can I walk with you?
We walked to my room I feel like I forgot something that was in my bathroom probably nothing.
I grab my pills and then look at Devon how picked up something?
DE:Can I sleep in your room tonight?
JA:yeah sure?
DE:also what's this?
He held up my blade and then I looked at the floor blood drops were still there...shit!
He pulled up my sleeves and looked at them held cuts new ones still bleeding ones..he started to look sad and angry..
DE:change into short sleeves and shorts
-20 minutes later-
JA:Devonnnnn it stingsssss
DE:Do you want a lollipop?
He said it with a fucking smile BUT THIS SHIT HURTSSSS like i get it BE UPSET BUT DONT HURT ME?
JA:I expect a kiss after this!
I was joking what harm is it? I Will take a lollipop after with!
Devon was done and Devon kissed my forehead...akbfjahxuiksns
DE:Your doctor also expects a kiss it's a payment!
He was putting away the stuff he used to bandage my arms and leg...was he serious? I put on a sweatshirt and walked to the kitchen and sat on the counter..
playing on my phone like normal the others were arguing about dinner. Devon walks in and between my legs hugged me..Ahdhsj whyyy issss heeee giving meeee mixxxxedds signalssssss!!!!!!!!!! Lexi walked in and they banter to here. For once i wanna eat and then go straight to bed... weird..
DE:Why are you guys being loud?
LE:I wanna make food and not order!
JU:I wanna order I don't trust that Lexi can cook
OL:I want Lexis food
Devon picks me up like nothing.. am I not heavy?? I get down Devon looked sad?
JA:Lexi what are you making
LE:what I want
JA:I want Lexi to cook
LE:Everyone is with me Jake your my co-chef
JA:what do we need??
LE:cook book
Lexi makes everyone leave the kitchen and we started to make food and then Lexi said she well call me in when she needed me and I left. Devon and the others were chilling on the floor talking and I sat with them. Oliver and Junior went to the gaming room and left me and Devon..
~39 minutes later~
We all sat at the table and ate

JU:okay Lexi LE:yeah JU:this is pretty good but I still prefer pizzaLE:Wow okay then I'll make pizza tomorrow  We were eating at talking then Devon put a hand on my thigh

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JU:okay Lexi
JU:this is pretty good but I still prefer pizza
LE:Wow okay then I'll make pizza tomorrow
We were eating at talking then Devon put a hand on my thigh.. dose he like me or and I overthinking it... why can he just tell me? He playing with me but what ever he's hugging me and stuff what more can I ask!
-BEDTIME-Jakes room-A/N:This part involves kissing
DE: you never paid me back for helping you. Ever doctor gets a payment Jake.
I gave Devon a pick on his cheek
And then he went to the side..
Devon kissed me small and quick.. we pulled away.. and then I looked away and said night.. I'm so stupid..... I should have kissed back WHY WOULD HE KISS MY LIPS!
JA:Nope Devon wake the fuck up.
I flipped on my light and started to talk as he was sitting smiling like a idiot
JA:You cant just not kiss me and then I'm THE SAME DAY kiss me that's mixed signals that's I don't like you I would never kiss you TO I'm gonna kiss you I like you!
DE: Jake
Devon kiss me. Again.... Except this time I kissed back.He pressed
me to the wall as I put my arms around his neck.. 30 minutes later we left one another's lips...
DE:Was the good?
I looked down like what else was I supposed to do?
DE: Jake I'm not ready to date. I haven't even come out to my mom yet I'm scared to. I'm not even sure if she would like that I'm Bisexual! But I'm not scared to Kiss you or do couple stuff. So can we do that and then when I come out as soon I as I do when make this official...
DE:Are you sure..I don't what you to be mad or uncomfortable with that or this...
Devon was such a good friend and now I'm a friend to him but with a benefit he can kiss me. That's all I am and I'm okay with that
JA: It's fine let's sleep.
I went from 580 words to SO MUCH MORE

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