Only Friends

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The entire chapter or 2 is just Jake
I new me and Devon were just friends and that almost kiss proved it.
Lexi hugged me tight rubbing my back she did this when I'm sad and I love it! It's like a hug from my mom.
JA:Hi Lexi whats wrong?
LE:The police found a thing about your moms death...
JA:She passed because of a car crash when I was like 10 or 9?
LE:The man meant to hit your car. He was hired by someone.....
Wow..Who would do that..Poor mom...I hugged Lexi tighter made if I hugged her tighter she won't leave like mom.. everyone there hugged me to... Holding in my tears I ask if we can watch a movie everyone liked the idea. Me and Lexi went into the kitchen... I couldn't hold it in..I just started crying Lexi ran to me holding me making sure I did fall to the floor.
We ended up sitting on the floor

We ended up sitting on the floor

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—-6-Lexis B—-Jake-A

It took me a little to get calm i think I'm attached to Lexi so much because she acts like a mom. We walked back into the living room they asked why we took so long Lexi said we were talking a little more about what I found out.

Lexi sat on the floor between my legs(PLATONIC) and i was next to Devon. Junior and Oliver we curled up together cuddling.
—After the movie—
JA: can we play cards against humanity??
LE:I'll get it Jake can you pick up please?
I started to clean up Junior helped and Devon put pillows on the floor and a blanket on mine and Lexis.
JA:Why did you put Blankets on me and lexis spots?
DE:You like being warm and Lexi get cool fast
He's so prefect...
—20 minutes later—
It was my turn to read..
JA: ____ is Better then _____ because _______
Lexi put her card down so fast it jumped
JA:What .-.
After ever put there cards Down
1: Ur mom is better then Dead Babies because the gays
JA:Lexi this sound like something you would fucking put!
2: Abortions is better then human combustion because murder
3: the Jews is better then grandpa's ashes because Danny DeVito
JA:Iv know you sense we were 3 it's this or the gays
4: talking about the size Love your penis on live TV is better then A submissive black hole because Uranus
JA: I pick 4
We were all laughing a lot I didn't feel upset anymore.. I guess that's just what you get when you are around people the truly love you?
DE:Thank -panting- you
LE: what about the Jews
DE: But before I kill you Mr. Bond I have to show _________
JA: I have the perfect card
LE: Jake why is your humor just sex
JA: no heterosexual sex
JU: same bestie 🥹🤨
The cards
1: before I kill you Mr. Bond I have to show you cum
OL:Jake that sounds like youuu
JA:why meee
LE:that sounds like Jake
2: before I kill you Mr. Bond I have to show you nothing
JA:Oliver was that you?
OL:why me
JA:Because you bland
3: before I kill you Mr. Bond I have to show you my collection of high tech sex toys
JU: I'll give you 10 bucks that's Jake and the only reason he chose it is because he had a collection
JA:I'm joining the bet.
JU:okay and why
JA:Because Lexi is
LE:I'll give you 20 if it's all cheep toys!
4: before I kill you Mr. Bond I have to show you the chronic
JA: Welcome to the dark side!
LE: not the sex toys
JA:Not at the high Tech sex toys
JU:Soo how would
JA:Lexi my love give Junior 20
LE:oh shit we have to sleep I'll pay up in the morning
JA:No you guys have to sleep I have to get my meds
DE: I need water
Devon walked with me and he hugged me.... Warm...
We stayed like this for a while
Holy shit up I updated this one because I had so better ideas and fixed words!

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