New life with you <3

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7 years later:
Jake:Married too Devon
Devon:married to Jake
Lexi:Dosent have time for dates
Junior:Dating Oliver

Things to understand:3 years ago Jake and Devon had a had a surrogate and they got baby Willow, she is 2-3.

I wake up to Willow, she walks into our room and pokes my cheek. I wake up to her to her puffy hair which was the cutest. I smile at her. She's honestly the prettiest little kid I've ever seen but maybe that's just because she's my daughter. I guess I never thought I would ever have a daughter a day in my life. But I also thought I wouldn't have a husband and look where I am now I'm married to Devon. And not only that marriage Devon and I have a daughter. This might be the peak in my life. I don't know how this could get any better. Just a thought of not being able to do this in a separate life gives me chills I've never been able to do that another day. I can barely last a day without telling Devon something or hearing Willow Little that she run the halls after bath time. I couldn't imagine not laying down below for bedtime and reading silly story that she always yells about.. I couldn't imagine not hearing this Little yells, cause she doesn't like how fairytales end because she doesn't like the fact that princesses have to be saved.  I couldn't imagine not going to sleep and hearing Devon's little. I love you when he's mumbling because of how tired he is.. but I know that if Chucky didn't happen, I wouldn't be able to do all those things. I'm grateful for that. I'm lucky I have this little family.

Wi: I'm tired but I have a bad dream
Ja: what about?
Wi: the dream was about the fairy book you read about the evil witch!
Ja: well, since you had that little dream, how about you lay down with me and your dad.

Well, in the bed next to me and cuddles up to both of us. I've never been her favorite, so she only cuddles up to Devon. I've gotten two of those. At this point. It hurts hurts quite a lot actually. But I can never tell that to anybody never ever. I never want Willow feel bad because she didn't cuddle up to me. If she's not comfortable with that that is completely fine I can never change that about her. I would never want that to be changed without her, and I don't want another kid to be their favor that would be inconsistent with my beliefs. It ever warms up to me and we warmed up to Devon then I'd be fine. I can't even act like I didn't know that this wouldn't happen. Devon's real dad I can't change that. I can't I was never a woman that didn't have ovaries to support a baby.

Willows POV:
I noticed daddy getting over weird because I didn't hug him. Because I never hug him. I don't remember the last time I did hug him. I know that he always wants to hug me but I just don't feel like it! I mean, I know that he's not my real dad. I know that only girls could have babies. It's all the fairytales.. and all the fairytales is boy and a girl, not a boy and a boy! I know that they don't try to explain it to me or anything but it's not that hard to explain. Dad didn't wake up when I had him so I assumed it wouldn't be a big issue. It's a little weird that I have two dads I mean sometimes the other kids look at me weird. The daycare the kids look at me weird at least I don't think I've ever seen in the adults look at me weird only mainly at my dads. I don't even know why I mean it's not weird to see two men have a baby I see it all the time! I guess it's never in shows, and I've never really seen any books about? Daddy stands up and walks to the kitchen. I cannot wait for his cooking. I've never seen dad  make food other than mac & cheese from the box. But that's OK cause my favorite because that's what dad makes? Is it bad that my favorite dad from daddy? I mean I don't think so. I've never seen it to be an issue.

Ja:Baby it's time to eat
Wi: I'll wake up-
Ja: how about we let dad sleep for a little while I mean we can hang out alone, right?
Wi: no, we cannot because you're not my dad?
Ja:oh.. well you should probably wake up your dad, right...

I see daddy's all the ones really happy smile he used to have. I don't know why, though I just said what I felt and he's always encouraged me to do that.. I mean I guess it's not really what I felt. I mean I think of him like my dad I mean he is my dad. I don't think I've ever met my mom once. I wake up and we walked to the kitchen. Dad was up and eating. He put his food in the fridge for later and then he got on his shoes..

Ja: I'm gonna go on a walk. I'll probably go to chat with Lexi or something.
De: OK have fun my dear
Wi: bye-bye Jake
De: Willow don't call your dad that calm down like you normally would. He's not Jake to you.
Ja: it's fine.

Daddy walks out of the room very fast out of the house and running to auntie Lexi. Tons of people say I look like Lexi I've even been mistaken for her kid quite a lot adults are Silly.

De: Little has gone into recently. You act like you hate your dad
Wi: he is not my dad two boys cannot have a baby.
De: who taught you to say stuff like that because I know I did it and I know that your dad did it and I know Lexi didn't either and neither of your uncles.
Wi: nobody had to explain it to me it's not any fairytales or TV shows. So clearly something is weird and I just connected the dots.
De: will you made your dad feel bad? What if I told you that you weren't that you really wanted to be? What if I told you that you were an astronaut?
Wi: I'm not an astronaut yet I'm only a little girl. And I never said that to boys can't date each other I just said scientifically they cannot have a baby..
De: go in timeout right now, and bring your food with you. I don't know what is going into you recently, but it's not good.
Wi: I'm sorry that you raise a well spoken daughter.
De: I hardly did anything you dad did everything.

I angrily walked out, and there is no use in putting me in time out. I mean they raised me like this.! They always told me to my opinions and be well spoken. I didn't even do anything wrong. I just did the facts and the facts are simple.. I guess it was kinda mean about it but I mean, what do they want me to do they want me to act like it was normal... I mean I guess it is normal. I always grew up like this. I always.. I'm starting to feel bad.

Devon's POV(this is only going to be thinking it's gonna be the rest of the chapter.):

I don't know what's gotten into Willow recently she's been really sassy and I mean I guess it's OK if she's always been sassy. Ever since she was little at age of three, she was telling me to back away and yelling the word no one didn't want something. Which is exactly what we wanted. We agreed on raising Willow.  That she was gonna be well spoken and loud about her opinion, which we got, we've always gotten. But maybe we went a little too about her feeling but I can't be the possibility because we love how spoken she is and we love that she's always open about her emotions with us. We always wanted that. The deal was that we were always open. Really care about her too. I care about both of them. I want both of them to not feel bad being around each other. Since we always raised below to respect other others, and she's not respecting Jake right now. But I know we can always get that. I knew she would ask questions sooner or later. And I always knew it gonna come up but I didn't think it would be this early. The best if it was as should be understanding, but she's not being understanding...

Hi, everybody OK so I know there's really really really really really really short. And I know so sad. This is gonna be the end of the book entirely and it's short. But I'm also leaving just enough for another book. Maybe I haven't decided on it yet. I don't even know what I'd be calling it. And I'm pretty sure I have another book I'm gonna be writing. I might just reread that one and the second one of this. And I'll go more with the marriage stuff.. but for now this all you're gonna get is all of it! And I know this took forever to come out. I kind of got into a big block and I didn't know what to do. I change the chapter like eight times total on the spot landed on. And it still doesn't feel right so I'm just gonna post it and see how this goes..
I have plenty of other books and if you have any ships that you want to put it in my little comment section I would definitely write about it.


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