4. Acceptance and... Children

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Shoto's POV

After a while Hawks lost Endeavor and went off, in the end, we showed up at this huge mansion. I mean, I feel like if Tomiko was successful I would have known. I haven't seen her anywhere.

He put me down and got out some keys. Why would he have keys to her house? He opened the door and let me in. I could hear some children playing in one of the rooms in the house. Surely enough we walked into that room, which I'm guessing was the living room. 3 kids were all different ages, and 2 of them had wings like Hawks. So I'm guessing they are his children? I didn't know he had kids. Attached to the living room was a kitchen. In the kitchen, there was a guy with black hair. Hawks went up to the guy and KISSED HIM?

FUCK THE CHILDREN, I DIDN'T KNOW HAWKS WAS GAY! Oh my God, he is my new gay icon. Which is easy since I never actually had one in the first place.

"What is he doing here?" The guy with black hair asked Hawks. Hawks whispered something in his ear and then he whispered back. They kept doing this back and forth.

"Touya. Just deal with it, I'll deal with them" Hawks said gesturing towards me and then the 3 children.

"Fine" 'Touya' said. He came towards me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to their backyard.

I'm very confused right now.

"Um, who are you?" I asked.

"Wha- really?" He asked me. "Ugh, okay. Just sit down"


"You're taller than me I don't like it," he said. I sat down on a lawn chair by the pool.

It was a very modern setup because it wasn't like plastic it was solid wood. Is it just really nice okay? I mean like the lounge chairs? The wait is it lawn or lounge? GOD DAMNIT THAT ISN'T IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!

"So what do you want?" He asked.

"Uh, um-" I found that I could not speak. I mean I could barely speak to Hawks. Fuck. Um, I don't know.

"Tomiko?" He rolled his eyes.


"Okay, fuck. How do I say this?" He bit his lip. "She's dead"

"What?!" I said in concern.

"Okay, not really... but she doesn't exist"

"What...?" I said in confusion.

"Okay, I am Tomiko"

"What?" I said. "But you're a guy.."

"Exactly, 'Tomiko' doesn't exist anymore because I am not a girl," He said.


So... Tomiko is now Touya.. okay. That's cool.

"You probably don't wanna talk to me now"

"I do, it doesn't bother me. I was just quite confused and surprised"

"Okay fair.." he said. "Why did you come here?"

"Oh, yeah.." I said. "I got kicked out, well not really but I was going to so I just ran away"

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I'm gay"

"Ooo nice," he said. "Do you need a place to stay?"

"Um yeah..."

"You can stay here your just gonna have to deal with children" he joked.

"Okay, I can deal with that"

"You say that now...." he said. He got up and I followed him up. We went inside the house and he went over to Hawks and dragged him away from their(?) Kids. "Shoto watch them"

"Okay?" I said. I sat on the couch and watched them.

Who the fuck trusts me with their children? I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even think I've seen a child in real life. They keep staring at me... what am I supposed to do?

"Who are you?" The oldest (I think) said.

"Um, no one," I said, for some reason. Why did I say that?

"What's your favorite color?" The middle-looking one said.

"Hey, dad said we shouldn't talk to strangers!" The oldest one said.

"Blue," I said. "My favorite color is blue."

"Yay! I win, I make blue haha!" The middle one said to the old one. I thought that children were annoying but these ones seem pretty cool.

"You can make blue?" I asked.

"Yeah! You wanna see?"

"Sure," I said. The child made a blue fire that I did not expect. "Oh, wow, that's impressive!"

"Thanks," He said.

He kept burning... he burned a blanket. Fuck, what do I do? ummmmmmm......

I picked him up. I kept them at arm's length from me so they wouldn't burn me too.

"Do you know how to stop...?" I asked.

"Hey! put him down!" The old one said. He also started doing fire with his quirk. But he burned me on my right side so I didn't get burned at all.

"I have a fire quirk too," I said. He burned me on my left side. "Okay fine, I'll put him down."

I put down, let's just call him middle. Old (yes that's what I'm calling him too) got middle and put middle behind him. The youngest has been behind the old for this entire time.

The middle was still burning things and didn't have anything I could do about it.

The oldest whispered something between the other two and they all nodded.

Suddenly the middle one flew in the air with their wings. They flew outside. I ran outside to catch him. The old and young ones also ran outside.

"Can you please come down?" I asked.


Why? I have no idea how deal with this. I can't believe they left me alone with their children (which I'm actually guessing is both of theirs now because of the combination of both of their quirks).

The oldest burned my left side, and with the sudden burn.... I tripped into the pool that was right in front of me.

I came to the surface of the water and stared at them. They all laughed, even the fucking small one. The middle one went to the ground with the others... quite literally to the ground... laughing.

"Shoto.... what- why?" Tom- Touya said. Hawks was laughing his ass off in the background.

"We took care of the intruder!" The old one said.

"That's not an intruder, that's your uncle" he said.

They looked at eachother, "What's an uncle?"


Group question:
What's your favorite color?

Words: 1030

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