14. Early Break

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Shoto's POV

"Oh so you're staying with your brother? I didn't know Natsuo had a house?" Midoriya questioned.

"Uh no, Touya," I corrected. He let me lay my head on his lap cause this pain- holy shit I cannot right now.

"So you finally know!" He exclaimed but then stopped. "Sorry..."

"It's okay," I tried to smile. "Wait you knew, and I didn't? Why?"

"Well I babysit for them and my cousin sometimes," he chuckled. Weird, why didn't Hawks recognize him? Maybe he was explaining him to me because he thought I didn't know him. I don't know just a thought. "I'm glad you finally remember."

"Remember what?" I asked.

"STUPID ASS ICY-HOT," probably Katsuki yelled. Remember what?

"Oh it's Kacchan," Midoriya hummed. "Hey Kacchan! Over here!" I sighed. I am never gonna know, am I? Stupid.

"Why the fuck are you in a bush?" His steps seemed to be closer and closer. "Get. Away. From. My. Boyfriend." His eye twitched at Midoriya.

"Wow you finally admit you two are dating," Midoriya got up. Ow, my head, my cushion. I sat up in annoyance.

"We are dating," I replied.

"No, we're not," Katsuki defended.

"Bro, just say it. Everyone already knows," Midoriya sighed.

"No, they don't," Katsuki defended again.

"Can you two shut the fuck up?" I asked. My fucling Migraine is getting terrible. I feel hot now too, and not in the good way. "I'm hiding for a reason, if you two won't shut your mouths then you can just leave."

"Why are you hiding?" Katsuki sat down. Midoriya sat down too.

"Endeavor's here," I stated. I looked over the bush. Oh shit, he just came out. I crouched down and hid behind the bush even more.


"Shut up he's right there," I whispered. They stayed quiet for me. Which is honestly surprising. I heard the sounds of tires screeching. I poked my head up. "Holy shit."

"What?" Midoriya asked. Endeavor just drove down the pathway. You know where STUDENTS walk. They are people there. It looks like no one got hurt but it's still not a good idea. What am I saying? Not a good idea? That's a really bad understatement. "Did he hurt anyone?" Midoriya stood up and ran towards the pathway to see if anyone got hurt.

"Are you okay?" Katsuki asked me.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine now I guess," I got up. "Ow," I hissed. My head, that hurts.


"Kacchan! He almost got Kirishima," Midoriya yelled.

"WHAT," Katsuki gasped and walked over to Midoriya.

Wow, I feel very appreciated.

Hawks' POV

"So you're telling me," I closed my eyes slowly then reopened them. "That he came all this way to get Shoto while he goes to school?"

"Yeah pretty much," Nezu informed me. "So, no offense, but why do you care?"

"Because I'm taking care of him," I selected my words carefully.

"Why?" All Might asked.

"Because I'm engaged to his brother." why does no one know this? "And he asked me."

"Wait, wait, hold up," All Might put his hand up. "You're gay?"

"Well Bisexual but yeah," I stated.

"Okay so, if you are the guardians of Shoto then why don't you tell me what happened," Nezu leaned forward. "Because legally we are required to turn Shoto in if he comes to school, but maybe we cam work something out if we know the situation."

"Are we gonna ignore what-" All Might started. "Sorry afterwards."

"It's okay," I smiled. "Shoto got kicked out for being gay and not wanting to go into an arranged marriage with one of your other students. So he went to one of your other students house where he stayed for 2 weeks where Endeavor did not question anything or try to contact him at all. But the moment Shoto tried to contact me and my fiancé, he got all jealous about it and filed the missing persons report."

"Who were the two students?" Nezu asked.

"Well for the arranged Marriage, I think her name was Yaoyorozu. And for staying at the house it was Katsuki."

"Okay, okay," he thought. "Is there anything you can say about Shoto's home life before?"

I laughed, "where do you want me to start?" I sighed. "There is so much."

"Just give us a quick run through," Nezu hummed.

"Well I mean he was most definitely abused and probably neglected after he was 10. He was mainly raised by maids and his siblings, but from what I've heard Endeavor mainly forced him to be isolated from everyone else."

"What." All Might was absolutely shocked. Even Nezu was.

"Yeah," I stated.

"Well uh," Nezu thought. "I said before he can't go inside the school during school hours for a while. We could have him take his classes through zoom and have some private lessons."

"That sounds good, we can do that," I told him.

"But once this has died down and the police aren't on our asses, he can come back. But we would really suggest that you two try to become his legal guardians because that will be the only true way that he can come back peacefully," he sighed.

"We... can... try?" I cringed. "That would be a hard battle against Endeavor."

"Yeah, of course. We understand," Nezu sympathized.

"So I won't be able to go to school?" I turned around. Shoto was standing right there.

"No, not physically. Not for a while," Nezu informed him.

"Oh." He seemed disappointed. Extremely disappointed.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked.

"No, I feel worse," He sighed.

"You two can leave," Nezu reassured. "I'll send you the rest of the details."

"Okay thank you," I smiled. I patted his back. "Let's go."

We walked put the door, down the hallway, outside the school. Only to bump into Touya.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I heard what happened- kind of-" he stopped in front of me. "Are you okay, Shoto?"

"No." He looked away.

"Well let's go, I can do anything- to help?" Touya really isn't that good with comforting people.

"Okay," Shoto sighed. We all got into Touya's car driving home.

All Might's POV

I opened the door. I went to my desk as everyone stared on silence.

"Did he tell you about-" Aizawa started.

"I knew Endeavor was an asshole, but not this much of an asshole," I stated.

"Bro, that was probably the censored version," Present Mic replied.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I taught like 3 Todoroki's and they all told me things," Aizawa smirked.

"And then he told me those things," Present Mic looked at Aizawa. They high five.

"I am setting up an appointment with Hawks immediately."


Damn sucks man.

Words: 1118

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