20. A Cycle..

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Okay so the title's meaning I'm just saying now is based off the cycle of domestic abuse. There's not domestic abuse but like some of the other components of the cycle if ykwim. I'll explain at the end.

Shoto's POV

We arrive at the front of the building. I can only assume Katsuki is already here. Which is good, it should be good. I just have this overwhelming feeling that maybe the reason I'm so nervous/whatever emotion this is yo see him is because... I need to talk to him about my insecurities in our relationship. I feel so selfish for wanting this. I just need to shut up, I don't want to ask for too much. I'm being selfish enough right now.

"What're you thinking about?" Hawks asks. He covers his accent, catching me off guard.

"My boyfriend, why did you cover your accent?" I asked.

"Japan doesn't like foreigners," he shrugs.

"That's not... Entirely true, it's only for some people," I argue. No wonder I was so fucking surprised when I met him.

"Dude, it's true, come on," he rolls his eyes.

"Aren't you from Japan?" I ask.

"Yeeee.... Maybe," he squints. We walk through the lobby, the people letting us through, Hawks knowing his way so I follow.

"What do you mean Maybe?" I question.

"My parents never told me, so I don't know, but I do have a dual citizenship either way," he smiles.

"Tooo? Japan and...?" I ask.

"Australia," he squints at me in confusion. "Where else would I get the accent?"

"I don't know New England," I shrug.

"You mean New Zealand?" He points out. I don't think meant that? "Kiwis?"

"What the fuck does kiwi's have to do with this?" I look over with a side eye. He shakes his head. "No, also, I think I meant New England."

"Bro what, that's in like America, cause you know when the British and the Europeans traveled over to the New world and then Britain claimed a bunch of land and then they named it New England," He explains. I don't know how he knows this. I thought he said he was stupid? This doesn't sound stupid, I didn't know that.

"How do... Nevermind, then what the hell could I mean?"

"Uh, Regular England?" He laughs.

"Oh yeah maybe, I don't know it has a lot of names," we walk through the door.

"How did you know New England but England itself?" He questions. I shrug looking around for Katsuki.

"Hawks over here!" A girl exclaims. He walks over quickly to find what's going on. I decided to not follow him anymore. My eyes wonder around the room looking for Katsuki, instead I find his father.

"Hey, do you know where Katsuki is?" I walk up to him.

"Shoto! What are you doing here?" He smiles and gives me a weird ass bro hug. I have never gotten a hug from my dad, so this is really weird since it's like... I don't know but it's always been weird. I mean I guess haven't gotten a hug from my mom since I was like 5, I mean yeah I see her but we aren't close yet. I think she still might be scared of me, because she's still scared of Endeavor and I look like him.

"My brother's bo- hu- fiancé is doing a photoshoot, Hawks, you know," I gesture towards him.

"Ohh, wow Shoto, you have quite the famous family of heros don't you?" He playfully punches my arm.

I fake a laugh, "yeah, yeah, I do."

"Oh yes, Katsuki I think he might be either in my office or in a random room close by," he thinks about it. "Sorry, I don't really know, he just wondered off without a word."

"Of course, he did," I smile. "Thank you, I most likely will be back to say goodbye."

"Oh well then, good luck finding him," he laughs.

I fake a laugh once again, "thank you." I walk out of the room looking around the hallways to see if he was in the hallway anywhere. Nothing, I don't see him as I'm walking up and down the hallway. Great now I have to remember where his dad's office is. I sigh and look at the labels of the doors to see if there is a label that says their family name. .

I get to a door and suddenly hear someone shout my name, "Shoto!" I turn to the source of the sound. I see Katsuki at the entrance of an office. I smile instinctively and walk towards him.

He grabs my hand and drags me into the room, shutting the door and shoving me against it, pulling in for a kiss but I stop him with my hand to his face, "woah there, Katsuki, no foreplay?" I smile.

"Oh shut up," he rolls his eyes. "Do you want me to ask how your day has been first?"

"Yes, I would actually," I chuckle.

He sighs, "okay then, how was your morning?"

I don't know, pretty bad. I don't know why their little argument upset me so much. I guess perfect doesn't exist. Fantasies aren't reality. I can't ever have something like that, because *that* doesn't exist. I don't know why I'm upset either. I just want to for once be unproblematic. Life always has it's bad of being a pain in the ass doesn't it? "Great," I begrudgingly smile.

"Good, me too," he smiles eagerly. "Can I go ahead now?"

"Aren't you scared of your dad walking in since you know this is his office," I comment.

"Well you are against the door, how is he going to get in?" He questions.

"Fair point, proceed with caution," I allow him.

"Caution?" He smiles.

"Shhh, you'll find out later," I smile back. He starts kissing me again. It's slow, not too rushed anymore, more sensual. We stay in that trance for a bit. Even with being a bit upset with him, this soothes me. It reminds me that I don't actually feel anger at him. I love him. I'm not mad at him.

He pulls away with a mischievous smile. He starts to kiss my neck lightly. "Uh. Um. What- um... Are you doing?"

He pulls away, "do you want me to stop?"

"No, no, I'm just asking why?" I look him up and down in confusion.

"Because I want to? I don't know?" He responses with equal confusion. "Should I stop?"

"No, no, I was just curious, you can do whatever you want," I have a faint constrained smile.

"Okay..." He quints at me and goes back to what he started before.

I can't believe he's actually doing this. It's not just me doing everything. It's... He cares. I'm not just... I don't know, a random stranger to him? He still calls me Todoroki sometimes, but it's okay. He cares.

It's almost as if I feel... Appreciated.


Bakugou is a pillow princess fr.

Anyway, this is based on like the cycle of abuse. Not necessarily saying that they have an abusive relationship. But that's what the focus of this is on. My thoughts process is like Shoto goes through cycles having these issues of having problems with a certain thing about a person, being mad at them, and then they do the smallest fucking thing. The smallest, simplest thing. But it will make him forget about why he's mad and love them, he's almost gullible in a way, you could say.

Words: 1249

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