15. 18 Hours

113 4 1

Shoto's POV

Touya closed the door behind me. I stopped walking and sighed looking at the ground. "Do you want to... talk about it?" He verbally and physically cringed.

"No," I stated even if I did. I don't feel like it right now. I definitely do want to talk about it later, but not right now. "I want to go to bed," I rubbed my pounding forehead.

"Oh, do you need... anything?" He asked.

"No," I walked towards the stairs, going up but stopping half way through. "Actually," I turned around. "Do you have different blankets?"

"Yeah, do you not like that one?" He asked and walked up behind me. I assumed the blankets were upstairs so I just walked all the way up and walked out the way.

"I just really don't like comforters," I awkwardly smiled.

"You should've told me," he sighed. He went over to this one closet and opened it up. "So which one?" I grabbed a big fluffy one that was plaid. "Good choice," he closed the closet. "Good night- Day?"

"Yeahhhh- wait actually do you have pills?" I asked stupidly.

"... well yeah," he squinted in confusion. "What kind?"

"Pain or like for a headache," I answered in embarrassment.

"Yeah," he went to his room. He came back with a pill and a weird thing. "First, hold back your bangs."

"Why?" I questioned. I did it anyways.

"Your temperature," He pressed a button and put the thing up to my forehead. "Oh damn you have a bad fever, how have you not passed out?"

"I have no idea," I told in all honesty. Maybe my quirk

"Take this and go to bed," he took the blanket from my hand and gave me the pill. I can't swallow pills without water. He went into my room before me. I followed shortly since it's right next to his. He had pulled the blanket that was on there off and started to put the fluffy blanket down. I can't really complain, he already did it. "Go to bed."

"Okay," I responded. I don't have water- who cares it doesn't matter. I swallowed the pill without water which honestly hurt.

"Good night," he somehow got behind me when I wasn't paying attention. He closed the door behind him. I took off my clothes and laid under the bed. I was already drowsy, but it made me even more drowsy. I thought and thought about my headache and... other things, but I eventually went to sleep.

I woke up feeling like I had the best fucking nap of my entire life. I think I did. It was amazing. I got my phone which was next to me and checked the time. Oh okay, 4 so 6 hours of- 4am?! Bro what? Holy shit. I get up quickly. I'm so well rested I can get up so easily. I put on some clothes and go downstairs to get some water. I sigh as I open the cabinet to get a glass.

"You're awake?" I heard someone gasp. I jumped a bit and stiffened while turning around. Ugh, it's just Hawks.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch?" I asked. He was on the couch peeking his head up to peer at me.

"I got home late and I didn't want to wake anyone up," he shrugged.

"Ugh, why are you a nice person?" I reached up for a glass again.

"I- sorry?" He apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?" I turned back around with the glass.

"I- I don't know," he freaked out.

I shook my head and got water in the fridge. I finished and was about to leave the kitchen, but Hawks stopped me. Which scared me because he did this silently and quickly.

"You're not going back to bed right?" He leaned on the fridge.

"No, I just slept 18 hours," I lifted my eyebrow. "But aren't you?"

"No, I already slept and the couch is weird to sleep on for me," he suck through his teeth. "So I don't feel like going back to sleep."

"Then go to bed with your fiancé?" I questioned.

"But I don't want to wake- whatever- I need to tell you about your school situation anyways," he stated.

I sighed, "fine." I went around the counter and sat on the high chairs.

"So obviously you know you'll be doing zoom right?" He kinda talked to himself. "You'll use your school computer and you'll get like all the papers you need for the week on Monday morning, but you don't really need to worry about that because we'll just do it for you. Then if you have tests you can go take the tests after school on Friday. You can also practice after school after 3:30 if you want to. For the time being. And with training or pe, I don't know whatever you call it- we have to train you but very strictly soo... be prepared."

"You're gonna train me?" I looked him up and down.

"Mainly Touya, since you have half the same quirk," he stated. "That's mainly it but you have to attend classes like normally only from home so tomorrow I'll get your papers and textbooks or anything else."

"Don't you mean... today?" I asked.

"Yeah but like, this time is either a time that people wake up really early or a time people go to sleep super late." He stated.

"I guess yeah, it doesn't feel like the next day if you haven't slept yet," I state.


The school thing is weird. I mean okay but like that's the fun part of school. You know, the people? It's like middle school all over again, and elementary school. And the tests it's like I'm gonna be there for 3 hours after school on Friday this week I have like 8. "God dammit," I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

"I have like 8 tests this week," I sigh.

"Oh right they might give you online tests too," he remembered.

"Fuck, what do I have today? Geometry, English, and Japanese," I talked to myself. "I'd probably have to do them all online."

"Did you not study?" He asked.

"No, not at all," I sighed.

"Do you understand what it's about?" He asked.

"Geometry, meh it's okay, but I don't know the Vocabulary. Japanese is like for this story in our textbook, and English is easy just like translating English to Japanese and the other way around. I thought I had a test on this book in English but it's actually in like 3 weeks."

"So do you need to study?" He asked.

"Geometry? Probably review the vocabulary and then I'm good," I shrugged.

"Go ahead then," he looked up. "Do you want food?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Okay then I can make it for you," he told me. "Then you do that."

"I- okay?" I said. I got up with my water that hasn't been touched yet. I went up the stairs quietly. Well trying. I went into my room. Instead of getting it out I got under the blanket because I got cold but then I got tired took a few sips of water. I got my phone and actually did look at the online textbook. After a while I slowly drifted off.


Extra #5

Hawks' POV

"I got you-" I started but stopped as I saw him back in bed. "God dammit," I mumbled. Whatever it was just leftovers anyway.

Words: 1244

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